hardest math question EVER dun dun dunn

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Mental, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. srsly.

    ok so now that i got your attention i am stuck on some astronomy shitz- i suck horribly horribly WHOOORIBLY at math so i need your brilliance and your expertise in this complicated subject

    i member the teacher mentioning this and he said it was in the book- but mine hasn't arrived yet and i'm drawing a blank here. i know somethin supposed to go over somethin but thats about all i gots. i have a feeling its very simple and i just forgot it


  2. the answer is -4

  3. [​IMG]

    that doesn't sounds right

    plus there are dos questions
  4. .7% means 0.7 units per 100 units.

    100W/.7 = 142.9 w/e unit youre looking for.

    i dont see enough info to see how long itll last.
  5. #5 illadelphin, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    .7 is 70%, or 70/100

    .7% = 0.007

    100/0.007 = something

    i'm pretty sure we need more information than that :confused_2:

    however, this conversion factor is mass to energy. you are given the human requires 100W, but you need to know it's mass before hand..

    reword your question and add in ALL of the given info.
  6. #6 Fenton Mewley, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Infinite. We consume matter to energize us (liek, you know in real life). If we used fusion, we just need to eat more to supplement the fused particles.

    Length depends on how much resource there is.

    But for the question, I would assume that there's a conversion factor of mass units to watts. I never liked physics, nor the maths of astronomy.
  7. 1 W = 1 J/s = 1 kg m^2 / s^3

  8. We would need the mass of the human.

    After that, some conversions...
  9. 1 gram of mass will give you 25000 watts*hour

    if you can harness .007 of that, you get 175 watts*hour

    For 1 gram of mass, you would get 175 watts in 1 hour.

    The question is poorly phrased, and probably lacking information. I feel like knowing that the body needs 100 watts is useless information, except to tell me what to convert to. But then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  10. ((mass your converting via fusion)*0.007)/100= how long it will "power" the body.

    if it's 100W/hr then your answer would be in hours. Basically however long that 100W lasts is the units for he answer.
  11. The answer is 420.

    It's always 420.

    The magic number.

  12. jesus how do people remember math?

    i would never remember any of this stuff if i didnt use it in daily life.
  13. damn man i wrote it exactly how i have it mengs- the only difference was I have "so" at the beginning. :(

    ^ thats exactly how i feel brotha
  14. Dunno man...according to Douglas Adams, the number is 42.

    Maybe he was just falling behind...by a factor of ten or so... :smoke:
  15. Who says they have to remember?

    Online banking adds and subtracts for you. Calculators are built into every OS, smartphone, and even search engines (enter math question into Google, out pops answer). Shit, even the tip calculator has taken even the most rudimentary mental calculations, which is pretty sad when people struggle to calculate 15% or 20% of a number.

    Very few people still do math by hand, and even fewer people have a job that requires anything beyond basic math.

    If math is the universal language, we'll be mute within 20 years.
  16. i bow down to you, good sir
  17. You blades are so smart.

    I looked at that question and was like :confused::confused::eek::eek::confused::confused:...Oh fuck it:smoke:

    I know who I'm coming to, this major change has me taking quite a bit more math than I was wanting. :(
  18. ah well, i turned the homework in already so its too late anyhow.

    thanks anyways

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