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Hard-to-break-up Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by notajew, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Is this good or bad? It was stuck to each other and very hard to separate and didn't feel as dry as others.
  2. In my opinion, it's bad. Dried weed smokes better.

    I prefer my weed to be nicely dried right when I get it, but sometimes it isn't. Then you just keep it in the bag for a few days and it'll dry out eventually, or you can put it in a paper bag.
  3. Does it get you high? Then it's good.

    Does it not get you high? Then it's bad.
  4. If it was dense.Then yes,Thats a good thing.
  5. lol there's a lot more than whether or not it just gets you high. I can tell a reg high from a dank high anyday

  6. lol you're pretty cool
  7. And you're pretty lame for thinking he posts shit just to be entered into your cool books.

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