Ok I made my cross and I got my seeds, but the seeds I produced are super hard. I can put a seed in H202 or water for days and will not sprout. I can crack it open after soaking for a long time and the embryo inside is good and fresh. I do have a plant growing now from the seeds but it took 5 days for it to sprout and these seeds are only a couple months old. Anyone run into this problem when making a hybrid seed. I've read to use sand paper on them if I need to sprout any more but I think I will keep a clone from the plant I just started.
I get this a lot what I do is line a jar with sandpaper insert seeds and shake for 30secs works well letting the water imbib into the lacerations on the shell I also add a drop of aloe vera as a surfactant into the tepid water good luck
#9 2+ y/o seeds in ph corrected r/o water & they got moldy before sinking <48 hrs, never before??? Wash my water barrels again???
I tried the peroxide on my hard shelled seeds and didn't do anything. Even a 24 hour soak with it. I've never seen seeds this hard before and only be two months old. Could not pop seed in fingers but did using pliers with light pressure until it popped and the embryo was still good inside. And those were seeds that soaked in paper towel for 5 days and they would sink in a glass of water so I know water must of made its way through the seeds to do that. I will try sandf paper and aloe vera on next try. But I will clone this plant for sure once it gets bigger. All feed back on the buds was very good that people smoked. I kept two bud for myself for someday if I need it.
please understand seeds can and do drown I don't let mine go past 8 hours soak before resurfacing for air lol in a land where TMV is rampant adding a little bleach or peroxide to the germ water is a great idea credit trojangrower, I suffered germ problems for a long time, a pro told me theirs 3 main acts 1 the sanding 2 the imbibing(soaking) 3 and the rest 24-36 hours, newer seeds pop quicker
Next time I try one I will do it your way and see what happens. All the seeds I have bought and germinated I always did the paper towel in bowl with lid and sprout with in three days. That's how I tried my new seeds at first before realizing something was different with the seeds that I produced. Thanks for all the input sure I'm glad I had 150 of them so I got a lot left to work with down the road. Thanks again
Ok I went ahead and ordered a gallon of 1 percent H202 to have. But got thinking just dilute my 3 percent down, used three caps of water and 1 cap of 3 percent H202 and scuffed my seeds up and they popped in 24 hours. So I'm good to go now but got to many sprouted seeds now so probably will put them outside in woods to grow.
warmth is a factor for the seed to soften up too i soak mine in perioxide for 2 hours , then into distilled water over night then into a paper towel with just the distilled water dampened put it on a heat source, not a bunch , just enough to keep it warm when it barely pops a tail plant the seed
I usually put mine by my hot water tank pipe that has the hot water run through which keeps my seeds warm enough in paper towel and tupperware bowl with lid. Or a tobacco can
that will do it , i mentioned it because no other did ,i leave mine in a utility room that is direct to outside and door stays open during day light hours, it can get up to 100 in there at times during winter months i place a zip lock on the direct tv box and it does just fine myself i would prefer the hard shell over a soft shell, makes for better storing in my opinion