SO I went to the headshop last night.. Was looking at high-end bubblers , I was between a small 10-arm Everest Bubbler and the Big Sheldon Black double bub. Obviously the Sheldon was way better, but the size wasnt what i was looking for in this piece , and it was 500$ anyways... So I dropped some bills for the 10arm Everest bubbler.. With carry case.. I looked over the piece at the shop, but not until I get home do I notice a thermal shock crack near the top ... un-used... of course they wont even consider a swap or in store credit or anything.. they basically tell me im screwed tough luck ... (my own fault I admit) but still , I will never shop there again , and I told them so.. so anyways Ive been getting alot of custom pieces through a local blower, i took the piece over to him.... We checked it out... He was really confident he could fix it... SO I entrusted my brand new unused piece to him... He said there is a chance it breaks in the kiln.. or whatever.. But he's done me right so far, he said He could do it for 5$ , but I doubt he will even charge me... I just hope it doesnt break while hes fixing it.. gonna be a nervous few nights... So wish me luck.. I will post some shots If I get it fixed up... if not it will be an expensive lesson.
Agreed ! They said something like "Its the customers responsibility to inspect the piece before leaving" So I look around at the intentionally dim lights... yeah.. shady.. Ive spent a bunch of money in this shop to.. they know who I am.. and they still did me dirty... haha
You would think people at the head shop would be a little more understanding and not so stuck up.. Good luck on the repair..
Im tempted... But I would rather not flame a company by name Its one of 2 "chain" type stores in my area.... Im going all custom from now on.. they are way cooler and treat you right. I will for sure (crosses fingers) I know ! Especially from someone who has spent a bunch of money and buying things out of the glass cases.. not some cheap spoon or something... Thanks for the well wishes, I think he will fix it ! I doubt he would have offered if he wasnt confident.
Damn that sucks hopefully you get it worked out. Do you mind pm'ing the name of the shop because I am in the northwest too and would like to avoid the shop. Thanks
damn bro that does blow hope everything turns out good in the end they should of atleast given a huge discount.
I have never been in a headshop that didnt have a no-return policy. No exceptions. Maybes thats partial to the northwest??
I bought a ashcatcher at a lhs and later that night took it back and ask if I could switch it out cuz I wanted a different style they said no problem.
Yeah all the ones Ive been to have a (No return) policy , but like Whohulkwalk said, It wasnt "a week" later , it was less than 24 hours.. So I thought they might be cool about it , since it obviously wasnt used.... But nope, stone cold. I can understand having a "policy" But its customer service.. its easier for them to write it off than me....
wow that sucks donk, my two first ALT purchases were damaged...the first was a green godless inline that came with cracks so I sent it back and got my crdit, I then purchased a luke wilson 10/6 mini beaker that too came cracked, least they refunded my money. good luck man well they made a couple hundred today but lost potentially several hundred down the road (because like you said you wont go back and you will likely tell others to avoid them like herpes)..its definitely bad customer service...they could have worked something out...I'm sure they can write shit like that off on their taxes as well.
I will consider some online shops, ATL , Boro depending on how this pans out.... I do know Im done with head shops.. I think they are just rip off artists.. At least with the online shops you get a refund .... VVVV The local blowers have been doing nice pieces for me at cheap prices , so they are gonna get my business for sure... For example: Im getting a custom oil piece done , I wanted a dry piece , we drew it all up, it was supposed to be 3 weeks out , but they called me in 4 days , I went in, and it wasnt exactly right , he agreed , He blew 2 more dry pieces and they didnt work out either , So he said fuck it , and is just doing a sick-ass bubbler for the same price as the dry piece , since he cant seem to get the dry piece right ,haha.. They are real cool..
EXACTLY !!!!!!!! It seems like they cater to the kids buying 25$ spoons and spice... I would have spent a lot of money over time there, plus I know they can write off broken or damaged merchandise , But you hit the nail on the head, Not only did they lose my money , they will get nothing but bad word of mouth from me.
Sucks they don't do returns. I had to return a pipe once, luckily they did it but ever since then they don't accept returns anymore. Good luck's cool you got the connects to get it fixed