Anybody else feel like cops watch you even more for black rims? Ever since I put them on my car I don't feel safe smoking in my carSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Whats the story with black, Cops will think they were jacked and painted"? You rolling on hot wheels..
5 speed Honda, Cops Sexy BMW, Cops Trans am? Cops Get a 07 Chevy Impala bro. Cops wont fuck with you then.
I agree it's an easy way to get caught but I don't have many other options. My roommates don't smoke so I don't like smoking around them. I'm taking a extended t break now so I don't have to worry about riding dirty anymore but still it gets old having them follow me aroundSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
It's also nice to cruise and listen to music while smoking once in a while. Plus I have subs so that makes it a lot worseSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="lFourTwenty" post="19420112" timestamp="1390883612"]Naturally cops look at vehicles more closely when they have aftermarket rims, paintjob, etc. [/quote]Especially if you black out your brake lights Sent from my Nexus 5 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="CaliBudE" post="19420475" timestamp="1390887418"]Especially if you black out your brake lights Sent from my Nexus 5 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] I did that as well. I didn't really notice it then but it got really bad when I got the rimsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I hate people with subs. It's fucking obnoxious, especially when they roll through my quiet suburban street. It's like, what the hell are you trying to prove? You can afford a big speaker to play music real loud? I work hard all day, I come home and want to relax and enjoy myself the way I want. I don't want some asshole riding around my neighborhood shaking my walls and being an annoying douche. Please ignore this post if you don't do this in residential areas.
[quote name="joey_hansell" post="19426335" timestamp="1390966789"]I hate people with subs. It's fucking obnoxious, especially when they roll through my quiet suburban street. It's like, what the hell are you trying to prove? You can afford a big speaker to play music real loud? I work hard all day, I come home and want to relax and enjoy myself the way I want. I don't want some asshole riding around my neighborhood shaking my walls and being an annoying douche.Please ignore this post if you don't do this in residential areas.[/quote] I never have them on in residential, I have more respect for people than that. It's not like we try to prove anything. Some music is better with bass and stock speakers don't cut it.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
lol my acura had some custom hot wheels rims for cheap they looked like these
Fucking love you and your pop Ricky! Tell Bubbles and Julian I said high. And tell Mr Lehey to go get fucked!