Happy Summer Solstice Everyone!

Discussion in 'General' started by pocket biscuits, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Happy Summer! It's finally here after yet another horrible last two seasons in the North Midwest. It officially hit at 12:45 a.m. CST last night (Did anyone find out the exact second this year? I couldn't find it.) as I'm sure many of us know, and to celebrate the Season of the Sun my friends and I didn't do much except be outside. There's a history in my family of doing odd things during the split second when seasons change. There's a stump in my backyard we've jumped off of many times just to be in midair going into the next season. Maybe three years ago when summer was about to turn to fall I wanted to be underwater so I celebrated the last second of summer and first second of autumn by diving into Lake Michigan.
    Best of vibes to everyone and have a great summer! :D Make sure to toke a lot too. :smoking::bongin:
  2. Happy Solstice.

    I love this day!!
  3. same to you :) i love summer, just sitting back and taking life in, one hit at a time
  4. Well screw you guys, I´ll continue enjoying my winter solstice...
  5. yeah im so glad summer is here, its just that time of year :)
    positive vibes

  6. haha! how are your winters in chile? i imagine the andes have it pretty bad.
  7. has not been much of a summer for me in ct... not much but rain
  8. Do we have any aussies here? You guys will be enjoying winter along with chile. :smoking:
  9. Oh yeah it's been rainy here for a week but today it dried up and the sun came out :cool: so nice.

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