Happy Halloween!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Porkchop, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. I got lts of pumpkin seeds, and i was looking at them and wondering....

    What if i could some how get a male pumpkin seed to fertilize a female flower....

    Now i know a pumpkins grow cycle is different and i have taken that into consideration... i have a crazy plan to grow a pumpkin plant outside, and save the male flower, and once my femal pot plant is grown, i will introduce her to her sperm doner. sounds like something out of a science book but i got some time to waste. and well i think it wont do shit if nto even fertilize. Anyone else got some crazy ideas to help. the polination will be controlled in a "Lab" setup. and i will monitor every move. hopefully we will have a pumpkin full of buds next halloween so carving it wont be so boring. :)

    A man can dream can't he?

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