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Happy birthday '' trixie-chick''

Discussion in 'General' started by chicken, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    im a girl DAM-IT,,,,
    Join Date: Mar 2008
    Location: CLOSE TO MR. CHICKEN !!!!!
    Posts: 544

    well it's your day today .....sweetie,,, i took the day off so i could spoil you today...

    you just sit on the couch,,and i will get and do anything you desire today..

    known you for 15 years,,,,,been a couple with you for 6 years,,,

    hope your day goes good my love<--------------:cool:

  2. Happy Birthday TRIXIE CHICK! :hello: I hope you have an awesome day :cool:
  3. Happy b-day trixie!

    Make chicken earn it...
  4. Happy Birthday TRIXIE--CHICK! Have a great day!
  5. The happiest of birthdays to you trixie-chick!

  6. Damn chicken you feeling pretty romantic,hahah

    Happy birthday trixie chick!!
  7. Happy b-day trixie!!

    now go get some chicken!! :hello:
  8. Happy Birthday! Enjoy it.:hello:
  9. Make her change your tires as a birthday present.

  10. Ha ha ha ha
  11. Happy birthday Trixie! Rock out with your chicken out:metal:

    P.s. I made you a cake...

  12. Awwww how cute :p

    Happy birthday! :hello:


  13. He can be when he wants to be:p

    I love the cake........:eek:
  14. today is supose to be a good day.. yet i am cleaning the house ...and yet still have to go to work... must be nice to sleep all day......:rolleyes:

  15. I think chicken needs a kick in the ass...
  16. so that whole thread of you leaving was just bs
  17. i am not leaving.
  18. guessing thats chicken?

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