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Happy Birthday To MEEEEEE !

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmotPoker29, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. hi all ! :wave:
    todays my birthday! what kind of weed should i get? someone i know is selling "bluedreams kush" anyone heard of it? lol. if not, i'll get some p-p-p-urp.
  2. Happy birthday man :hello::smoke:

    Get some peng, as long as its peng its good !
  3. Happy B-Day Poker...of Coarse The Bluedreams Kush...Never Heard of it...But Sure would Like to Try it!!!
  4. BLUE DREAM :smoke: my favorite

    Happy birthday fellow human being:wave:, im about to light one up for you in a couple. :D
  5. Get the dankest shit money can buy. Happy birthday miss :wave:
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. just get some weeed my friend. happy birthday
  8. thanks everyone ! hope everyone has as much fun as i will !! :hello:
  9. Happy birthday man. its my birthday too haha. Bout to go milk some birthday bongz! have a good one, brother
  10. aww man, im a sister not a brother :(
    but happy birthday to you as well !

  11. everyone i come across on this site is believed to be a brother, idk why but the interwebz especially websites like these just don't have allot of girls.

    don't take it personally but it is what it is. :smoke:
  12. Theres no girls on the internet.

    Lmfao jokes, but happy birthday man! I would check out the weed and see which one is better.
  13. i smoked the bluedreams and it was feeling RIGHT. and then i was surpresed with like a half of some grand daddy purp so i was super happy :yay:
  14. Nice :) Glad you had a good birthday. I just noticed from before i put "happy birthday man" after i knew your a girl haha, damn habits :smoke:
  15. Happy Birthday :wave:

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