Howlin' Wolf leaves an incredible legacy as one of the true icons of the Blues and one of the greatest performers the Blues has ever seen. Wolf's presence was felt by listeners on a few levels and his voice embodies the full and raw power of the Blues and the human heart through sound. Hours of Live Video in his honor <a href="'%20Wolf">'%20Wolf</a> The Documentary "The Howlin' Wolf Story - The Secret History of Rock & Roll" <a href="'%20Wolf%20Story%20-%20The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Rock%20&%20Roll">'%20Wolf%20Story%20-%20The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Rock%20&%20Roll</a> "Some of them said years ago. "We will never make it to the moon." I said: "You never know." Today, we settin' on the moon and got a flag up there. You understand? But they told me that we couldn't do that. Don't never say what we can't do. Next thing, I'm looking for a man walkin' down the street with no head on his body. And if they say they can't do it, I'm gonna' tell 'em, "You're wrong" He gonna' come down sooner or later. That's right. This is of the day. He will have no head and be all heart, just one big heart. The heart just has to be developed and this, the first of all the blues festivals, promises much to cross the generation gap and bring the old and younger Americans closer than they have been for the last decade. Because blues performers have big hearts. I'm not a smart man. You see, I got a little head and a big heart." - Howlin' Wolf at the 1969 Ann Arbor Blues Festival.