Happy 4/20!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Klutter, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Smoke 'em if ya grow 'em!

    Today....nothing should get done today without the required amount of motivating THC in the body.
  2. Looks like im not getting anything done today...Grrrr figures iv had a good amount of bud for weeks but not gonna be able to get any till after 10pm tonight.....Sigh.
  3. bummer man... hopefully this will be a lesson learned for you.

    ALWAYS...and I mean ALWAYS be prepared for 4/20! Good lord... if there is not a more sacred moment than 4:20 4/20!

    Today should be spent paying ommage... Clean those bongs! Clean those bowls! Now now, not that shitty 'scrape/rinse' kinda cleaning. Break out the fuckin' rice and alchohol, pipe cleaners - I want that shit SPARKLING!

    Today is all about respect. Respect for what we have before us (those that came prepared). Let us toke in honor!
  4. #4 puff, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2009
    Positive Rep... It's like a really good cup of joe, makes everyone smile.

    Do the kids even know what a cup of joe is?

    Happy 420 - 9:15 am and toasted already!!! :smoking: I mean medicated lol :)

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