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Hanna Montanna is a self-proclaimed Pot Head...comments

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by TweetyNird, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. Miley Cyrus commenting on her 19th Birthday Party that she was given a Bob Marley cake because she is a "Stoner"
    I think it's awesome, let's hang out Miley
  2. salvia is the REAL gateway drug!
  3. I'd hit it
  4. She just jumped ahead in my book. next thing you know the police will be messing with her!
  5. Is she still a celebrity?
  6. Will she ever decide to make music that takes talent?

    If not, I still don't care.
  7. well maybe she can use her "celebrity" status to endorse mj.
  8. Props because you know realistically she got in trouble for admitting that. Whether it be from her sponsers, the Disney channel, or her record label

  9. or her dad... owait, probably was his idea.
  10. [quote name='"stoneheir"']Props because you know realistically she got in trouble for admitting that. Whether it be from her sponsers, the Disney channel, or her record label[/quote]

    Full Support on my end!
    Miley Rocks!
  11. source? whered you see or read about that cake?
  12. [quote name='"Ratio"']source? whered you see or read about that cake?[/quote]

    Yahoo Music News
  13. [quote name='"Ratio"']source? whered you see or read about that cake?[/quote]

    Yahoo Music News
    You should be able to find the story very quickly
  14. Its kinda cool she is admitting this. Let's see if her or her people try to deny it here in the next week or so. If they don't, I hope she does some studying up on cannabis, we can always use another educated advocate. But so far all she said was that she is a stoner and a pothead
    . I urge her and every one else, fight the stereotypes! I'm sure Miley C could retire today if she wanted, and do nothing but take bong rips 24/7. She is doing pretty well for a "stoner".
  15. id tap that even hrder now
  16. well, id hit that.
  17. Whatever, she's still a bitch for not really fully
    coming out with it. It was all said in sarcastic,
    joking way...I'm sure her camp will try to clean
    this up. "Oh it was just a joke amongst friends."

    Well she has some shitty friends then.

    Even if she does say she smokes pot openly,
    whoop de freaking do. You and everyone else.
    Yay. You're so edgy can't be tamed.

  18. [quote name='"DancingVinodini"']Whatever, she's still a bitch for not really fully
    coming out with it.[/quote]

    I'm interested to hear what makes you feel she's obligated to do so?
  19. How does that make her a bitch? .-.

  20. She's a bitch because she'll bitch out.

    Just like people got on Phelps...if you don't
    have enough of a backbone to really come
    out and say "Yes, I smoke marijuana, I do
    it for my enjoyment, I smoke recreationally,
    it's fun....blah blah blah"'re just a spineless tool. Plain and simple.
    Unfortunately for her, her fanbase is that of
    younger she has to watch what
    she says because of "role models" until those
    fans grow up with her.

    Also, as if those things weren't said for publicity
    since the _ _ _ _ _ _ news died down...
    Hollywoods got you all by the blue balls.


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