Hangover Food?

Discussion in 'General' started by Stickytrees, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. I puke up everything...and the thought of Denny's and pancakes during a hangover makes my stomach cringe even though I'm sober.
  2. Biscuits and gravy
  3. Weed, fast food such as McD/Wendy's/BK/Subway/Little Caesars and water or gatorade. Usually I'm not stocked in gatorade, but those are perfect after blazing and for hangovers.
  4. #25 BA, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2011
    The cure for a weed hangover is a cup of something with caffeine in it

    The cure for an alcohol hangover....McDonalds french fries, pancakes, and lemon lime gatorade

    Works like a charm

    Also, this probably doesn't sound appealing but when i'm really hungover i'll just go run until I puke. Sweat out all those toxins....puke up any alcohol remnants. Works like a charm

    edit: redchrons beat me to it, at least the mcdonalds and gatorade part haha
  5. the only cure for me is more of what i was drinkin the night before i,m on a 12 day drunk now
  6. Food doesnt really do it for me when I'm shitty after a night of boozin, usually because I tend to get sick as a dog if I do any heavy drinking without drinking any water. So usually for the first few hours I just drink water til I'm not feelin terrible. Cranberry juice is pretty damn good too.

    I typically dont even gain my full appetite back until dinner time in these cases too. Once when I was young me and my cousin were drinkin vodka one night, a lot of it, naturally I ended up getting sick. The next night when I was better I ended up goin out to eat with some of my family at an Italian joint and after being sick that whole day, lets just say I had no leftovers after that. :smoke:
  7. eggs, sausage, hash browns, bacon, butterted toast, 3 slices, two asprin, a glass of water and a glass of juice. Choice fruit for the road..

    IF you dont feel great after that GTFO :p :laughing:
  8. If I have been pukin all morning and my stomach is upset I always like a fat bowl of ice cream.

    It settles my stomach and I can eat a lot of it.
  9. Smoking doesn't give me a hangover.... As for drinking, bread and weed.
  10. bread, crackers, or i heard menudo?
  11. Grab the breakfast special at this joint down the street. Eggs, bacon, homefries, 2 coffees and toast. Breakfast of hungover champions.
  12. If I'm hungover I can't eat until I've tossed my cookies. I get too nauseous and food does not sit well. Tossing is the only way I feel better. After that though, I love anything greasy...french fries, Mexican, Denny's breakfast, etc. I am not picky at all.
  13. I can't even eat any solids for a while during my worst hangovers. If it's not that bad some fruit and a lot of water will usually suffice.
  14. crackers, toast, eggs, cranberry juice
  15. scrambled eggs and toast, with some OJ, and oatmeal.
  16. So many different approaches, i've done the sprint till you puke as well because it was better than constant nausea but ughhh alcohol hurts
  17. I've got it down to the utilization, though it's rather useless since I don't drink anymore :p

    step 1: smoke a fat bowl to the face, preferably in a pipe. slowly mind you, and drink plenty of water.
    step 2: continue smoking and drinking water until nausea subsides. get dressed and prepare to walk it out.
    step 3: walk to the tacos jalisco truck(or whatever taco truck you would actually eat from. ours is the closest to authentic mexican food you can get around here, they do it well and it's only five blocks from my house)
    step 4: get a cold ass ginger ale from the stab n' grab next door, and buy yourself some damned chicken tacos with extra grilled onions.
    step 5: eat like a bum in a random patch of grass and walk your happy ass home. after the smoking, the meal and the walking it kinda kicks your system into "oh hey I'm supposed to support a functioning being" mode, the fresh air and sunshine doesn't hurt either B)
  18. bacon mcgriddle fa sho

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