Handheld PCs

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by mushroomsatsuji, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Im not sure how many of you are familiar with handheld devices, but I had one a long time ago, and I just found it. Its a Dell Axim X50v - Win Mobile for Pocket PC 2003 2nd Ed 624 MHz

    I still have all the cords for it and all, and its not real damaged, except for one part. The power button. It seems to stick and Im not sure who to take it to now. Obviously no warrenty, but do any of you take old electronics to get fixed anywhere? Are they local stores or do any major chains deal with them?
  2. I doubt you're going to find any store who will fix that.

    I do remember my own handheld pc though, it was a Sony, I can't remember what the model was called but it had this flip-out keyboard that made it look like a big futuristic cell phone.
  3. this conversation sounds like it's going on in the future "your droids are very outdated young paduan!" haha sorry i don't know anything about computers.
  4. I'm a big handheld person myself, they are just nice to carry around an work with. I suggest looking into the nokia n810 if you want something that works perfectly, I have one that I installed linux onto an I can do some forms of hacking wifi an scanning networks for boxes ect. Fun stuff to smoke a doob then mess with someones wifi.

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