*HAMM Bubbler* VIDEO & PICS :):)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by oschmittyo, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. #1 oschmittyo, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2010
    This is my Roommates new Hamm Bubbler. This thing hits so smooth and is amazing. please comment what ya think:hello:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFEMmQeeq3s"]Click here to WATCH!!!!! :) [/ame]
    Edit: new and improved trippy vid!!

    Here are some Pictures:



  2. looks sexy

    Theres sometype of witchcraft/hydraulics going on there, that vortex in base of the last chamber looked crazy :eek:

  4. yup it spins the smoke for a amazing hit.:D
  5. Dude whered you get that?!?!?!?! If your friend got it online then LINK it please :cool:

  6. It was purchased at OPM in RI! was a pricey piece:cool:
  7. Its so sexy! Id pay 100 for that bitch if not then more! I fucking love it! :D

  8. holy fucking shit that's sick as fuck
    I don't really understand I'll have to come look at it again when I'm not around my grandma

    I guarantee that cost more than 100

  9. yeah it goes down the down stem into a disk diffuser where it is shot up into the vortex where the water is being recycled.

  10. bwahahahaha maybe add an extra zero and you'll get one.
  11. holy shit idk whats even happening in there lol
  12. thats the sexiest thig ever. gotta love Thhe Beatles :hello:
  13. Awesome. I've seen pics of these but never in action. That is what I would consider an innovative piece.
  14. This thing is so fucking sexy. How much did it run you?
  15. it was $750 :hide::yummy::laughing::ey::yay::gc_rocks:
  16. Holy fuck :eek:
  17. Thing looks sick, and really fragile.
  18. Smh at whoever said they'd pay a hundo for that piece.. Very nice dude I've never seen that design before but it looks like it rips!
  19. thanks for the comments! please check out our new video!

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