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Half swisher half weed? Ever done it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DMoststoned, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Have any of you ever done a half n half blunt? How was it??? Thanks yo! :wave:
  2. Kinda the wrong section of this forum... but regardless...

    I've never tried it with part of a cigar (zigzag blueberry, yes please), but I'm a huge fan of spliff blunts. Most of GC hates the fuck out of mixing herb and tobacco, but honestly I think it's the bomb. I can enjoy that big blunt feel without the herb waste and it's purty damn tasty too.
  3. I do quarter swisher then the rest weed or else the tabaccy is way too over powering
  4. If I'm smoking a blunt with friends and no one else is contributing I do this without telling them haha. Its really not bad if you dont mind tobacco. And yeah everyone here is gonna come and bitch till this thread dies about tobacco.
  5. Haha I know why ppl would hate it...if I had enough bud to smoke a blunt straight up I would. I'm tryna conserve my herb... And thanks for the responses!
  6. Don't smoke blunts but thats just like a spliff (joint with weed and tobacco) with the extra tobacco of the blunt wrap. Might be abit too much tobacco, try just rolling with a kingsize paper instead?
  7. It is okay with tobacco, but better with just bud. if you are going to mix in tobacco dont do more then a 1/4 tobacco or it will be too harsh to inhale.
  8. Here's the answer: don't smoke blunts anymore!

    Why smoke something, as Jugglist said, that is just tobacco anyways? Why mix your beautiful green herb with that nasty brown/black tobacco? GROSS!

    Some joints man, or get a good glass bong. You'll be all set :cool: :bongin:

  9. Maybe because some people like tobacco?
  10. Never mixed blunts but I have will spliffs. 50/50 seems a bit much though I'd try 25/75.
  11. Blunt tobacco is nasty
  12. I didn't do it often, but like someone else said sometimes I'd throw a bit of tobacco into a blunt to fill it out if no one else was throwing in. No one really notices unless you tell them, especially considering the paper is tobacco itself.
  13. If I where you and I was rolling a spliff I would bust open a cigarette or something with decent tasting tobacco. Blunt tobacco suuuuuucccckkss, especially tobacco from like a swisher or something. Just bust you open a cigarette.
  14. Oops my high ass just told you to bust open a cigarette twice in a row
  15. I wouldn't smoke tobacco for a million dollars.
  16. I feel like that would be a shitty smoke. I don't dig tobacco though :smoking:
  17. [quote name='"ForceOfWill"']I wouldn't smoke tobacco for a million dollars.[/quote]

    Lol that's a really extreme statement... So you're saying if I opened a briefcase with one million dollars cash money and just said it's all yours if you just took a single drag of my cigarette you would decline? Lol. I would smoke a piece of crack mixed with dry wall if it ment you where about to give me a million bucks. Lol.
  18. get a rillo .4 will roll a pinner up that will hit fine
  19. [quote name='"Brenthas1"']

    Lol that's a really extreme statement... So you're saying if I opened a briefcase with one million dollars cash money and just said it's all yours if you just took a single drag of my cigarette you would decline? Lol. I would smoke a piece of crack mixed with dry wall if it ment you where about to give me a million bucks. Lol.[/quote]

    Lmao funniest thing I've heard all day
  20. I've done a spliff blunt before. IMO you need to use cigarette or rolling tobacco, because blunt tobacco is the cheapest shit they can find. Probably swept off the cutting floor from what's left of the good stuff. They know people are just gonna split em open so they don't need to make it nice.

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