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Half of some no name DANK

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Vaper12, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Just picked up a half O of this no name, it was $180.00, a little on the pricey side, but then again, my hookups aren't the best yet. I think it tokes really well, nice body high, BUT this half O is going in some everclear for green dragon! Tell me what ya think!

    Attached Files:

  2. nice looking nug but damn thats steep ive bought two halves before and each one from two different connects both $100 hope ya can find some better prices.
  3. Ya, I just got a 100% better connect last night actually, but for now, at least it's good bud :D
  4. The bud looks damn good my man.
    Congrats on the better hook!
  5. fuck prohibition, fuck the black market

    these herbs grow well in average topsoil
  6. [quote name='"OrganicFlowers"']fuck prohibition, fuck the black market

    these herbs grow well in average topsoil[/quote]

    I like it. Haha

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