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Half O bag.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kb420, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. How long does it take you to kill a half O bag? How many people smoke it with you?
  2. two weeks
    smoking with my neighbor and by myself.
  3. I spoke mostly alone on weekdays, but on the weekends my friends and i toke with some regularity, i would say on average it would last me around 3 weeks.
  4. It usually takes me about 2 weeks to plow through a half o bag, but if i felt like blowing through all my money in one day, I could smoke a half o with 2 or 3 friends.
  5. A month or two, smoking by myself. Maybe one or two other people every now and then.
  6. Depends on how im feeling. I could smoke it in a day or two or make it last me a month.
  7. About 2 weeks just to myself. Sometimes I'll kill it in a week or less, sometimes I can stretch it a few weeks. I also take short tolerance breaks (3-4 days) once a month or so.
  8. Alright thanks for the input everyone.:D
  9. I usually smoke 1-2 grams a week alone, plus smoking my friends out, so probably like a month or two.

  10. From this post I can tell the OP is a cop enforcing some new weird law where it's illegal to talk about smoking half an ounce. I'll see you guys in jail.
  11. my house buys a half o about every three days lol. but there are 3 -4 people in on that.
  12. Bout a month or so... I MFLB my weed... and smoke one hitters..... When i do smoke with friends(bout twice a week) i go through about a gram and a half. maybe 2.
  13. atleast a month of vaping all day everyday

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