half indoor half outdoor

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by flyytee, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. So here is my plan

    Start my plant indoors in a mini frige under three 23 watt floros (1600 lumens)
    Let it veg for 8-10 weeks
    I want to transplate once at this stage into a large coffee can

    For my flowering stage I want to transplant one last time.
    This time transitioning my plant outside Into a bucket with my very own soil mixture
    (the soil mixture in the bucket will be the same)

    for one i want a big beefy yeild
    this yeild that i so desire would imposible since i have no place to store a plant the size i want
    also i think growning my plant outdoors will "tuffen it up" a bit

    What im realy trying to do is just experiment.
    I'm trying to grow in a totaly natural way
    with no chemicals, pesticides, or man-made ferts. (I love organics but im also broke)
    Any suggestions, tips, or advice would be highly appreciated :D

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