Haiti......What are your thoughts?

Discussion in 'General' started by EMO1969, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I am posting this thread because I had a rough time at work today with this. First of all I want to say that I am not some great humanitarian or do I think that my way of thinking is any better then anyone else's. But when I hear people speaking in my break room at work about why are we sending all of our people and equipment and money over to Haiti to help "those people" when we have people in need right hear, it makes me sick. Yes we have people in need here and yes they should be helped, But, the people that are here and need help were given every opportunity from birth to change thier own destiny and most, but not all, chose to take whatever route they took that has put them in the current place that they have ended up in. These poor people in Haiti were not born with a golden fucking spoon shoved down thier throat like we were. I have been to many countries around the world, most of them third world countries. Many of them in the Caribean including The Dominican Republic which is part of the same Island. These people start with nothing, live with nothing and will die with nothing. But I will say that these people and other people from impoverished countries around the world are some of the friendliest and most thoughtful people that I personally have ever met.

    So the next time I hear someone say this, which I have heard more then once today, "They will be fine cause Obama will make sure and spend all our money to help them, I swear to god I'm going to knock the fuck outa someone!

    Sometimes it's not about money, It's about being a Fucking Human!

    Maybe If everyone would smoke a fat joint once a day we could all get along as a world Race and not be such selfish, inconsiderate fucks!

    Any other opinions?
  2. My thoughts are we should stay out of other people's affairs, but when it comes right down to it the U.S. has been blowing money for fucking ages and we're fixing to have a new global currency anyway, so let's just give away this valueless money anyway and help some folks.
  3. I agree with staying outa political affairs as well as affairs that do not grant us the right to stick our nose into places it doesn't belong, but when people are in need and sincerely need our help then we should always be willing to give support. Thats what makes us people and not just politicians.
  4. Hard truth right here: Politicians do not care at all for anyone except their own bloodline. The rockefellers and rothschilds and obamas of the world could care less about the survival of everyone else much less another country.

    Everyone is too poor as is it because of things being the way they are, so how can anyone afford to give when they can't even afford their bills?
  5. my thoughts are, I hope the people can get through this tragedy....and Im damn glad it didnt happen where I live.
  6. My thoughts are they need all the help they can get. For anybody complaining about the situation in the US right now, and about all the money and humanitarian aid being sent over to Haiti, grow up. None of us like what is going on in the US right now, but the poorest country in the world was just completely leveled by an earthquake of a magnitude that usually doesn't affect places like Haiti. They need help, and I'm glad we, and many other countries, are giving it to them.

    For all the downers who bitch and moan about the human condition, let this be a testament to you: we, as a people, still have a bit of pure soul left.
  7. My thoughts are that we should divert the troops from Iraq and get another democracy in while they have their guard down. But in reality the amount of aid we will send them probably is worth every penny. We need to improve or image and it really isn't much money for the amount of good it does.
  8. #8 DV, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
    It really goes to show how ignorant people in this country are. We are truly blessed with the opportunities offered to us. Yes we have people here that need help. But I find that the people bitching about how this country needs help, or people need help, it's ridiculous. Frankly those people should own up and face the facts that your vote is what put the politician there who's really just worried about their money in the first place and the next possible bid for election. You handed them that card, play your hand. Those people should realize that fretting away money on ridiculous materialistic items like bags, clothes, shoes, etc. is a waste. Real honest people could care less about your designer items. And all that money that you spent over years and years, could've probably helped more than a few people in this country.

    The only way self centered people like that will understand is if that happened to them. No they just sit there and say "Oh how sad". If we all would just work together and just get over ourselves, we would be in a better world.

    I went and actually donated 10 dollars. That I didn't even have to give. Just cleaning money from my grandpa. But you know what...they need shelter, water, food, first aid kits. They need it more than I do, and I say that with love in my heart.

    Those people are no different from us. And I can't imagine the pain they're going through from losing loved ones, the devastation is unbelievable....they need all the hope and support they can get.

    We're all humans...and whether we are related or not, we're all the same.

    I'm with you EMO1969.
  9. I was devastated and depressed when I found out what happened. If I had billions of dollars like Bill Gates I would pledge at the very least 24billion to that country to aid the people. A couple years ago the main food for the poor people were dirt cookies made from actual dirt. This country has been battered by hurricanes for years for its unlucky location and i'm just heartbroken that this 7.0 magnitude earthquake had to happen.

    Everything you drink . Eat. Smoke. Inject. Plug in the but. Do it for the people of Haiti. This tragedy is HORRENDOUS. PRAY for these people and their future. Pray especially for the people who got trapped under all the rubble.

    And be thankful for what u have even if its a brokedown apartment and a box of cereal in the kitchen. Be thankful.

    I'm completely depressed that this had to happen and can only hope that our country supports this country not just by aid but for the next couple years to rebuild the infastructure that was destroyed. Smoke a fucking blunt for them BLADES SMOKE A FUCKING BLUNT for them!
  10. Presidents are puppets who are chosen, votes don't mean a single thing and everything is just a gigantic soap opera...There's a reason obama reads lines off a tv screen.

    Lying bankers and the fed are why we have no money. I don't vote either because I have a brain anyone voting is wasting their time.
  11. Well if know one is aware there has been MANY earthquakes this past week and pretty big one not as big as hati but pretty close when I say close 4.1-6.5 and all very close to where I live I think it's gonna happen these last two years we have left till Dec.21.2012

  12. A bit off topic, but that is a huge pet peeve of mine. I'm not trying to be a prick, but I just don't get why people say this? Here's "The Caring Continuum."


    Same with "is blah blah addicting?" Addictive, sheesh.
  13. My thoughts are...

    Why cant celeb's and atheletes be helping more? Im sure theres some who are... but im talking about the ones who buy their own $40 million private jets and shit.. who could EASILY donate atleast a million and not even notice it missing from their bank account or wallet or safe or whatthefuckever.

    I also feel bad for not being able to donate anything... Its a shame that that nation is already dirt poor..
    They actually could use all the help they can get.

    I dont know if anyone on here knows about it, but theres a certain website where you can earn "lunchmoney" and you can donate that to causes if you choose to.
    I donate all mine to Haiti, and for every $250 LM its a cup of fresh water.. not much I know, but its easy as hell to get a lot of LM on that site, which means a lot of drinking water.
    So atleast I can help in that way.
  14. I lol'd hard. good one XD.
  15. If i had the money, i would leave the usa to help. At the same time though, i don't think we should be giving $100 million for aid.

    Not sure where our gov't came up with money, but eventually we'll pay that off too.

    I feel for countries who are so corrupt and fucked up (pardon my lack of adjectives). I may be a hypocrite for disagreeing with the rescue money, but at the same time other organizations need to step up and quit being little bitches. Why is USA always the first country to fucking help someone out but themselves??? But no one can ever return the favor.

    Godspeed Haiti.
  16. bad shit happens to innocent people. thats my thoughts. its all relative and bad shits happening to me now so i gotta take care of that. If people can afford to help them out, then thats cool, i think they should get helped out - i dont know where my tax dollars go anyways so it may as well find its way to something good. but right now, i got my own agenda and my own well being to be worried about - sounds selfish, but thats been my train of thought as of lately. When i can help, i always do - but unfortunately i'm in a situation where i need the help and dont have a whole lotta help to offer before digging myself out from my own problems.

    sorry haiti :( the world ain't fair. life's a bitch and then ya die, that's why we get high:smoke:, cuz you never know when you're gonna go
  17. Seem like more people bitch about sending aid than sending bombs to the Middle East...what a world.
  18. i donated to red cross.
  19. Really, we got no problem spending 30 BILLION on bullshit wars that can't be won. WTF is wrong with people and the way we are thinking about common sense situations. If everyone would focus on whats important for this WORLD rather then "how will I be affected by it" selfish fucks!

    I will never understand....

    Thanks Fox News!
  20. Why help others when we can barely help ourselves?
    I'm more worried about AMERICANS that need my help.
    Just my .02

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