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Hair Test Passed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by GRCJ, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Paying it forward since I passed my hair test. First of all do your research, I did hours upon hours of research everyday. Here was my situation. I had about three weeks notice, I have thick course dirty blonde hair, am white, and have a fast metabolism, though I don't think metabolism is going to help in a hair test. First I quit smoking and starting doing macujo method, after seven days I tested my own hair and it came back positive at 9.2pg/mg, over 9x the screening cut off levels. Then I resorted to Jerry G, went to a salon, I had a mutual acquaintance that worked at Bo Rics who's father is a outspoken pothead. I had her cut it to "finger length", which is about an inch, in hiind sight I should have left it a little longer, but still it gave me time for it to grow about another half inch before the test, I also shaved my body so they would definitely take head hair. I was not shy at all about what I was trying to do, it's 2017, people know that people smoke weed, so don't be shy and tell them what you need to do. I told her I need to deliberately destroy my hair and open up the cuticles and I told her why. I had her bleach my hair with 40 volume peroxide bleach and left it in longer than what was necessary. After the bleach she washed it several times, four or five with a clarifying shampoo, Paul Mitchell I think. Then in the spirit of St. Patty's Day I had her dye it emerald green, I looked like the joker at this point. I celebrated St. Patty's day weekend and continued to wash with Nexus Aloe Rid and Paul Mitchel clarifying shampoo several times. My hair was green about three or four days when I went back to have it bleached again, same thing, 40 volume and left it in much longer than necessary, (I tipped her quite well for all her effort) my hair was still a light pea green color at this point, then again several washes. She redyed it twice, one to bring it to a reddish, then to a brownish, it was a reddish-brown at this point, much darker than my natural color and my hair was very dry and brittle now. I continued to wash with Aloe Rid and clarifying shampoo up until the test day, I did not use a product for the day of the test. From the day I quit smoking to the day of the test was just over three weeks, I would listen to Jerry G and don't start the bleaching until at least 10 days after the last toke. Also if you are a girl and have nice hair I feel bad for you because my hair was absolutely dry, thin, and brittle after all the bleaching and redyeing. I took the test and passed. In hind sight I wish I would have buzzed my hair so that they would take armpit hair and just done the bleaching and redye to my armpits from home, though I'm not sure how the body hair would handle the bleaching and if it would stain my under arms. I buzzed my head after all this and now my healthy thick hair is now growing back just fine, this ended up being a stressful and expensive process, I think I spend about 500$ on products and treatments and tips for the kind girl at the salon. Best of luck and I hope this helps.
  2. perfect example of how people throw random stuff at it and then claim it was a proven METHOD HAHAHAHAH no dude it was the 40 volume bleach everything else was just wasted money . you spend 500 dam dollars when all you had to do was less than half of that amount ( by your claimed levels most are way less ) with Hair razor Detox and NO BLEACHING NO DAMAGE
  3. I bleached my hair 5x. Last bleached today. I’ve only been bleaching. I took my test 20 minutes after my last bleaching today cut it in a pixie cut because I was wasting so much money on products. Took this test to see my levels. My court order test should be by the 1st or second of January. I hope I pass this because I’m tired of bleaching so much.

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