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hahaha some guy got bitten by a snake on his penis

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by pieman615, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. haha snake sucked balls apparently... but dude put yourself in his shoes and imagine... damn but that is funny
  2. Dude...

    Thats totally not funny
  3. okay if you were inthat position yes i would hate it

    and hate having a fucking scar on my dick
  4. So like...his penis was like 12 ft long at one
  5. Damn i thought this was gonna be some Snakes on a plane reference.
  6. what if it was like a python or a andaconda..ripped his entire penis off.

    sorry i didnt read the article and im high..
  7. I like how the snake didn't inject any venom yet the main was still vomiting, lol that must've been pretty painful.
  8. This is not very hahahaha. Kinda weird to know this has happened.
  9. Happened on that one flight were there were massive amounts of snakes on the planes. The guy just freaked out and I screamed when I saw it, it was horrible... :(
  10. how embarassing...Could you imagine having to have the medical personel wrap your dick up in plastic and run tests on that shit.
  11. hahaha shit.
  12. Ew, and Ow. :cry:
    I'm not completely sure, but i don't think having a snake bite your penis would be very fun. :p

  13. HAHAHAHA + rep for making me laugh really hard.
  14. That would suck big time, that is some bad karma..

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