Trying to figure out in what order would I approach this pile of fun. 1) Prepare the oven. 2) Chill the drinks. 3) Assemble the toys. 4) Break up the weed. 5) Munch out. 6) ...hide the cash. 7) Smoke a bowl. 8) Play with Pop-Its. 9) Eat pizza. Drink Beer. 10) Smoke another bowl. 11) Apply Vapor Rub. 12) Pop pills and Bubble Wrap.
hahahahahah shits so funny.... 8 yellow/blue hangtens.. MDMA HIGHHHHHHH. some of the best thizzzz ive ever taken
bahahahaahha..... me and my buddy went to walmart rolling baWLz and bought everything that we thought we would need. lmao
"Today 05:24 PM 4_2_0\t Re: haha found this old picture I was jealous until I saw the vapor rub............. Whatever you got planned, count me out" haha i love the vapor rub in the painters mask when your rolling i used to love the white doves... never had the hang tens were they speedy?
vapor rub? you mean the vicks? obviously you donno what's goood when rolling man... pretty sure that was the kind you spray up your nose too. haha shits awesome. feels amazing.
This so much, vapor rub wehn rollin is amazing, also, that picture looks like an absolute epic night haha.