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Had to quit

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Domuk, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Well for whatever it means to anyone, I had to quit weed :(! I'm going into the military in a few month and as much as I would like to smoke till that last day, I feel I need to stop now so that when boot camp comes around, I'm not getting the craving.

    I'm feeling it pretty bad right now, I would kill for a bowl right now. It not really addiction, just more that I enjoy the feeling and the actual act of getting high and smoking on my piece.

    I don't know when I'll be able to smoke again really, could be in 5 years, could be 30 years. Depends on how long I plan to make this a career and whether they will allow me too. Anyways! I'll be trolling these forums to keep updated on news and be envious lol. I've already decided that if it isn't legal by the time I get out, I'm going to a legal state and going for a MMJ card and buying a extremely nice piece.

    Toke on folks!
  2. dont worry when ur deployed at stations all over the world u can smoke all u want
  3. Sucks man you should get really baked and watch your favorite movie one final time unless they drug test you.
  4. better idea, dont join the military and smoke weed instead.
  5. I feel ya OP I'm going to a military academy soon and after that I'm enlisting in the usmc. I'm definitely going to miss old Mary Jane but for now I'll load a bowl for ya.
  6. If you go to Afghan, there is literally massive fields of beautiful wild afghan bud. Let that be your motivation. Your tolerance will be shit too by then
  7. [quote name='"BlazeLE"']better idea, dont join the military and smoke weed instead.[/quote]

    I are agreeant

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