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Had to chop babies due to a few questions...

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by and12589, May 11, 2011.

  1. #1 and12589, May 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011
    Sorry if any of this is retardedly worded.. my a.d.d gives me a hard time when i attempt to think and type..

    Ok so this morning i had to kill all 5 of my ladies due to a Extremely rapid spidermite problem... This was my first time successfully growing from clones i took off a friends hands because he thought his grow room was infested.. lone behold.. about two weeks into having the plants i started to notice yellow dots on the leaves so i hopped on the good ole internet and found GC (a Very informative website) and started to look up spidermite remedies/soaps/pesticides and didnt find any that i thought would work..

    but in the end.. ended up buying Ed Rosenthals ZERO TOLERANCE pesticide specifically for smidermites.. followed directions and sprayed my ladies down n it seemed that I got rid of them... and that turned out to be a shitty time to celebrate...because they where still there.

    so i gave them another spray down..waited a day later and did it again... and thought man im in the clear now.. but fuck no... they where back just not as heavy.. so i figured i could get away with keeping them under control by just rubbing off any visable mites (hours of useless work btw so i wouldnt recommend this method unless you have a veeeerrryyy small problem..even then, wouldnt recommend it) and man was that another dumb idea..

    in past two weeks of my ladies lives.. the spidermites fucked like tomorrow wasnt coming and lastnight when i went to bed.. there wasnt ANY webs...this morning.. there was webs everywhere and like globs of mites.. and as pretty as the bud on the plants looked and smelt :( i cut them down n threw them away and in the process.. there was mites just crawling on the white plastic bag... so all the soil potters are in the garbage as well.. theres still boxes n random stuff in my closet that have mites crawling on them.. i plan on throwing it all away just for now im disgusted with my closet and dont even wanna open the door.. i plan smokin a couple bowls n preping some cleaning/disinfectent and i just had a few Q's... if any one could help with some constructive criticism... i would be very happy

    And now for my questions...
    1. since my closet is now infested.. what should i do to uninfest.
    2. is there a certain amount of time i should wait after disinfecting my closet to start growing again.
    3. is 78*-83*f and 50%-80% humidity like a perfect breeding ground for mites or what.. cause thats what my closet fluxuates between during the warm to cool hours
  2. Burns down house and walks away shaking head
  3. Try getting some Insecticide Soap its generally organic and non toxic. It dehydrates the bugs and you can spray it on veggies plants up to the day you harvest. Has a half life of 1 day..ingredient is Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids. Lowes sells a good brand.

    You can also try mixing 1 tablespoon of bleach to 1 gallon of hot water. Put in a bottle and spray. Bleach breaks down very fast should be no plant damage.

    If I were you I would get some foggers nuke your house then spray the carpets corners with bleach water or some kind of pesticide.

    They key like any infestation is if you notice it treat it full force right when you notice. Bugs have short life spans and multiple like crazy. One Spider Mite can lay a thousand eggs. Its like a geometric growth rate.

    As for your temp and humidity. Control the humidity more. Get a dehumidifer. Your closet is probably trapping air from the plants. You really can't do much though on the temp and humidity..plant insects evolved with plants so what your plants like they like.

    Try making sure your soil dries out before watering. Alot of insects love moist soil. Letting your plants dry out some wont hurt them at all as long as its not a crazy drought.

    For your closet I would trash what you dont want, throughly steam clean, scrub with bleach water, spray top to bottom even the ceiling.

    Whats unfortunate its like bed bugs. You get bed bugs ever forget it. Most people end up having to trash even there furniture.
  4. For me after my Fungus Gnat episode I am proactive and every couple days give my plants and surrounding area a round of Insecticide Soap. I don't want that issue again.
  5. I have a section in my Pest sticky devoted to this topic.
    I think its in the first half. Sorry, I cant remember the
    page #. It will aid u.


  6. Thanks alot.. info sounds pretty usefull. I bought an organic pesticide called Ed Rosenthals... Any you'd recommend?

    And would Dr. doom foggers work? well thats a stupid question.. my closet is like 3 1/2 foot x 5 foot x 5 foot so im sure any fogger will work.. The SM's really amazed me.. at first i thought they only lived were there was plants.. theres no plants in there and their still just chillin in my closet...

    Any one heard of useing lady bugs?? are they worth it.. are they gonna roll them smitermites up n smoke em like a joint or will i just be left with dead lady bugs all over my lights n shit?
  7. Doktor Doom (red can) Foggers and
    CB80 Extra are the top SM eradicators.

    Ladybugs are best left outside, although.
    They are insects that fly, so they love the lights too.


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