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Had random drug test

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Cheesestring, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Been smoking around 5 spliffs a day made with tobacco and some hash/dope/solid/the brown stuff you burn, for the past year.

    11 Days ago I decided I had to quit as it was a miracle I hadnt been randomly tested in work for it, sadly however that time came last night and I got a random mouth swab saliva test.

    I've done some research via google search and all the information im finding about detection times and how screwed I am seems varied.

    I'm absolutely terrified, I don't wanna lose my job over an addiction that I managed to quit almost 2 weeks ago, I guess my question is, with how often ive smoked over the past year, complete cold turkey the past 11 days, how likely am I to have failed the test? (I havent smoked anything at all the past 11 days).

  2. If it was a mouth test your straight. Mouth swabs are only supposed to be good up to 4 days from you smoking weed. I took 2 weeks off from smoking the same amount when i had to get a job in high school and totally passed it.

  3. Yeah it was a mouth test, had me put swabs in for like 5 minutes then they get sent to a lab.
  4. wow they still bother with mouth swab
  5. Yeah dude mouth swabs are pretty much just for, "your eyes are red and you keep laughing while pushing carts, wipe this shit in your mouth." Although the mouth test i took was like ph paper where it showed up in a couple minutes they never sent it to a lab.
  6. my big concern is that some websites I looked at says its detectable in saliva for up to 30 days, which has me totally paranoid.
  7. [quote name='"Cheesestring"']my big concern is that some websites I looked at says its detectable in saliva for up to 30 days, which has me totally paranoid.[/quote]

    Lol nah it's only detectable if you used in the last 1-3 days. Its kind of a waste of money on your employers part.

  8. Is this for sure? even with lab tests?
  9. nothing is for sure but ya pretty much you will be fine

    Edit:i wish we had some one on this site that actually worked in a lab we would know so much more
  10. [quote name='"Cheesestring"']

    Is this for sure? even with lab tests?[/quote]

    Yeah go smoke a bowl man. Idk what sites you were looking on but your in the clear.
  11. Does the different stuff like weed/hash/dope all have the same sorta detection times then or does some have longer?
  12. [quote name='"Cheesestring"']Does the different stuff like weed/hash/dope all have the same sorta detection times then or does some have longer?[/quote]

    Same. You were clean 7 days more than you had to be, relax.
  13. weed and dope are the same thing correct? unless you mean dope as in dank
  14. #14 Cheesestring, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    No its hash, we call it dope here.

    Does that make detection times a different story?
  15. na your still good around here dope means high mids
  16. Ah ok, i'm trying to understand and calm myself a little, the fact that I was smoking it daily for the past year wont have any effect on how long it will be detectable? Sorry if im repeating myself, I appreciate the helpful answers you guys have been giving i'm just a very negative person, always expecting the worst.
  17. Anymore reassuring posts? :p

  18. Listen, you are 100% ok. No matter what you were smoking. Shit you could be smoking the worlds nicest hash out of the bong of destiny and youll still be ok. Dont worry, you dont need any more answers, any site you read that on is wrong or lying to sell product. And its cool man, no need to apologize for re posting, obviously your just scared to lose your job. just go load a bowl, throw on some tunes, and chill out knowing you are still gonna have a job :smoke:
  19. Did anyone else notice that op referred to smoking weed as his addiction?
    Dude, cut the tobacco out of your weed and you won't be addicted. You were addicted to tobacco, not weed. Lol
  20. Swab test only detect the last 12 hrs or so. U good already after 11 days.

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