2 people from my school dies sunday in a car crash. There names Jess and Aaron. I know alot of people who knew them well and it is a tragic loss. They were going down a road going 110 or 120 and hit a divet in the road and the car just went airborn crashing into trees and what not. They had to get dental records to see who they were. A whole bunch of people toked up in there name at the crash site. Its a very sad thing to hear, espesialy when alot of people were good friends with both. Me and my friend talked to Jess on friday at school so its kinda weird. http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7047153&nav=menu44_2_2 http://www.mlive.com/news/chronicle/index.ssf?/base/news-6/118943374268950.xml&coll=8
that sucks man, i lost 2 of my friends this summer, one got shot in the head and my other friend hit a tree goin 100 its tought but life will go on
Yeah it will but I just cant imagine the parents right now. You have to bury your own son and a closed casket at that. not cool.
Yeh man, I know the feeling. Be happy you weren't in the car with them. It's amazing how a tragedy can bring people so closely together.
Its crazy because im seeing kids cry at school that I never have seen cry before. Here in Michigan I hear alot about teens dieing in crashes. Just last year or the year before we had kids from our school die in a crash.
Been in 3+, one when my mother was in a coma and I was still a fetus, sons of bitches kept colliding toward the sides of the car. Luckly I only have "narrow" feet as a result from the accidents. I know how you feel dude, cars for me are the devil.