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Had an idea to find a connection need critique - New Smoker

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by derpyhooves, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Okay so I'm trying to find my own connect. I smoked for the first time 2 weeks ago and loved it. Unfortunately the connect I moved about 45 minutes away and didn't give me the address and has since lost cell service. So I'm waiting for him to pay his bill so I can reach him or come back in town.

    All my other friends who I knew smoked have either moved or are currently trying to find a new source. (One poor guy I know stopped because his new girlfriend doesn't approve) I live in a college town so the availability seems to dwindle with students leaving for the summer (hence why one of my very good friends is dry - his source goes back with his parents every summer and doesn't come back till class starts) Class starts here in a few weeks but I'd like to smoke before then if possible.

    I'm not very outgoing so asking strangers is out of the question unless I happen to walk by someone smoking. So brain storming I had an idea.

    What would happen if I went on craigslist (yes I've read about the dangers of craigslist extensively, hear me out) and searched for people selling something legal, bud related. Say grow lights or a bong listed as a "water pipe". And ask them if they sell and know someone who sells. Subtly of course, something like "I'm looking for someone who can help me meet Mary Jane but no one seems to know her". Again the reason I'm posting is because I'm new and I'm not incredibly familiar with proper etiquette.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. You can try it and people have had success but I know if someone asked me that I'd assume it was a cop. Its worth trying just don't be surprised if it doesn't pan out.
  3. This guys a cop .........

    Cops always come on here with one post saying how their connect just moved and can't get any from friends ..... So these cops try to find ways to bust guys asking us how it's done cause all the other unresolved crimes are well resolved ......

    If op is a cop ...... Fu
  4. Yah. FUCK YOU if you're a cop. lol.
  5. Yo if you're a cop, FUCK YOU.
  6. You live in Gainesville.. Home of uf... You've got to be kidding me if you can't find weed...
  7. Don't entertain porky
  8. Lol most the craigs list guys are cops, you'll be in good company op.
  9. If I was you, I'd linger around your local headshop and just ask someone that walks out. I wouldn't ask the workers, but if someone's at a headshop, I'm guessing they smoke and have a connect. You could also ask some of your friends who smokes at your school and hit them up. Good luck, man.
  10. LOL @ everyone who thinks I'm a cop. I don't even think the cops around here care enough to even monitor a site like this, let alone create an account. I was in the car with a friend who got pulled and had a pipe sticking between the seat and the console. The ASO deputy saw it and told him to put it out of sight and proceeded with the traffic stop.

    Anyway, the head shops around here are REALLY strict. I've frequented them for a while for my hookah needs and seen MULTIPLE people kicked for even insinuating anything illegal. Hell I did synthetics for about 3 months and got myself kicked out one time for mentioning I was going to smoke it rather than use it as "incense." I've been to 3 of the 4 major ones and their the same. Be discreet, use legal terms (such as "water pipe" over bong) and don't ever insinuate illegal activity, even if you don't say anything explicit.

    I'm also afraid of someone lacing it or selling me some low quality stuff as though it was mids or strains. I really don't know how to tell. The stuff I bought from my friend he said was high-mids, a friend of mine who smoked with me who is very experienced said it was really not high level mids but mild or moderate mids and the buds had been crushed. He said 40 for a quarter was about right for the quality but he said I'd be way better off buying strains for 60-100 a quarter. We got to smoke one bowl of his stuff, I think it was called train...something.. Maybe train wreck? And it blew my stuff away. Not even close. I couldn't move for like 20 minutes.

    And before anyone asks, this was the friend I mentioned in the previous post who's contact moves away during the summer semester and comes back for the fall/spring. I won't be able to buy for 3 weeks minimum. And then he takes care of his old customers first according to my friend before selling to new referrals.

  11. The thing about headshops is how it is everywhere, you don't talk about that in the shop because they can get shut down for your stupidity. You talk about it outside of the shops, don't they have signs to not use the term bong and the like in the headshops around you? Also mids is low quality, you really don't sound like you know much about herb, and that's ok just don't be dumb about it.
  12. The 2 biggest ones have signs. I believe they say "if you refer to our water pipes by any other term, you will be ejected"

    But still there's been some stupid shit. There was this group visiting from Alabama. The girl behind the counter was TRYING her damndest to keep the convo legal. She was describing what the water pipe did in terms of tobacco. The main guy said something to the effect of "no man not tobacco, marijuana." Of course kicked out.

    My personal experience was with synthetics, and I wasn't even talking about buying it that day. I said something while buying hookah sisha about the last type of stuff he sold me the stuff was so finely ground up, it was being inhaled down the bong stem before it was even being burned, thus you got nothing out of it. The guy said, I can't have you in here for today because you talked about misusing our products for unintended purposes.
  13. The drought turned to floor today.
    So the friend I mentioned came into town to visit a mutual friend of mine who I had told to tell to have him contact me. He met me at home today after work since he has no cell. He put out feelers to his connects and awaited answers. we waited for 5 hours with either no, or no replies. I had a guaranty of Tuesday by one guy, which is better than nothing. But I wanted to relax today.

    Finally one of his contacts said he got the connect and he needed to know how much we wanted. He said this was THE shit. 20/G. I checked how much I had in the bank. I decided to take the offer up on Tuesday for 40/Q (Mids) and get 2Gs of the good for 40.

    High's Connect would only deal with friend until at least one deal involving references went smoothly. I would front to the friend, he would drive with me in the car, he would go inside and leave me outside, he would make the exchange and my friend would give me the stuff.

    Friend is VERY trusted, says the connect KNOWS his stuff and guaranteed it. Deal goes down smooth. Future deals possible though if he liked how it went.

    Friend will deliver from connect 2 Tuesday. Fronted 40 again. Connect 2 can be a constant with advance notice. Should be pretty good but I have the pay my friend's cell bill so I can call him and set it up. 2 very promising leads with the other friends, one pretty much guaranteed in a month or so here.

    Smoked for an hour and a half. I don't believe I was that high even though I was that high. Friend was right, but wow. I'm still blazed as I write this. It's taken like an hour because I'm a grammar nazi.

    Hell yes. Just 9 hours ago I was sure I was going to be dry for at least a month. I've been dry for 2 weeks!

    (For legal purposes this is a fictional story. the pictures seen here are animated pictures. I have no involvement in illegal activity)
  14. [quote name='"derpyhooves"']The drought turned to floor today.
    So the friend I mentioned came into town to visit a mutual friend of mine who I had told to tell to have him contact me. He met me at home today after work since he has no cell. He put out feelers to his connects and awaited answers. we waited for 5 hours with either no, or no replies. I had a guaranty of Tuesday by one guy, which is better than nothing. But I wanted to relax today.

    Finally one of his contacts said he got the connect and he needed to know how much we wanted. He said this was THE shit. 20/G. I checked how much I had in the bank. I decided to take the offer up on Tuesday for 40/Q (Mids) and get 2Gs of the good for 40.

    High's Connect would only deal with friend until at least one deal involving references went smoothly. I would front to the friend, he would drive with me in the car, he would go inside and leave me outside, he would make the exchange and my friend would give me the stuff.

    Friend is VERY trusted, says the connect KNOWS his stuff and guaranteed it. Deal goes down smooth. Future deals possible though if he liked how it went.

    Friend will deliver from connect 2 Tuesday. Fronted 40 again. Connect 2 can be a constant with advance notice. Should be pretty good but I have the pay my friend's cell bill so I can call him and set it up. 2 very promising leads with the other friends, one pretty much guaranteed in a month or so here.

    Smoked for an hour and a half. I don't believe I was that high even though I was that high. Friend was right, but wow. I'm still blazed as I write this. It's taken like an hour because I'm a grammar nazi.

    Hell yes. Just 9 hours ago I was sure I was going to be dry for at least a month. I've been dry for 2 weeks!

    (For legal purposes this is a fictional story. the pictures seen here are animated pictures. I have no involvement in illegal activity)[/quote]

    Lol wut?
  15. Did that post sound high? I can't tell. Of course a hamburger with a chicken patty, mashed potatoes, sour creme and baked beans is what I'm making right now.
  16. even though weed is kinda bit pricey where i live, it is hella easy to find anywhere...i dont see how it should be hard in a collegetown.

  17. from the pics, it looks like you got your hands on some dank (higher end weed) :hello:

    but to avoid paying straight 20/g in the future you should try to buy in eights and quarters. you should be able to get an 8th (3.5g) for 50-60 and a quarter(7g) for 90-110 depending on your areas price fluctuations

    good luck and happy toking broski.

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