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Had an idea about how to stop my neighbours smelling my smoke and complaining...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Mofie, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Anyone else in this situation? Because I think I may have found a solution - I will more than likely be trying this out and thought that I would share my progress with you if it works - which I hope it will, fingers crossed!

    Anyway the situation is I live in a block of flats, and the next door neighbours have been complaining about a smell of weed in the hallways. I was shocked at first, as I only smoke in my front room, on the sofa right besides an open window, with a towel under the door. They complained through the landlord so basically if it happens too many times we're going to get kicked out. We bought a fan, aimed it at the window and smoked in between the two, but a couple of weeks later the landlord said he'd had a complaint of an overpowering smell in the hallway...(we can't even smell it in our hallway but whatever, they are obviously half human, half bloodhound)

    I think I've cracked it though. Sheet Plastic blocking off the doorway, and one of those ZipWall Barriers. (A product where you can attach a zip to sheet plastic to make an entrance to your temporary plastic barrier) Is sheet plastic permeable/ can smoke get out through the pores of the plastic or will it keep all the smoke in? With no gaps I would assume so. Then all we have to do is use that zip to go in and out if we need to, and spray ozium through the crack. Thoughts?
  2. Sounds good to me.

    Good luck man.
  3. sploof would help your situation
  4. They can't smell shit as it is; they just know you smoke and will continue to be a pain in the ass.
  5. I was going to say get a shed until I saw you live in a flat, cant help there but my shed is my second home haha, its got a carpet a comfy chair, fully insulated nothing gets out.

    Every man should have his own shed I think.
  6. Yeah, that's what I thought too. I'm in half a mind to just deny it's us to the landlord, that's how sure I am there isn't a smell in the hallway. On the other hand, a LOT of people have been saying that there will be a smell for other people, I won't notice because I'm in the room with the smell, and also I smoke exclusively joints, which smell more. I still don't see how it could seep all the way across my huge lounge, through a crack in the door which i seal with a towel, and out under the front door of my flat (also sealed with towel) But people say it can and will. Meh.

    But if I do this, I'll know for SURE it's them and not me, if they still complain.
  7. And one day, when I get my dream house, I may help build one for my husband :)
  8. you should or just buy one there cheap as chips these days, bit cheap carpet, get some insulation tape and seal up any cracks or gaps and your good to go.

    Sometimes when its raining I just sit in there smoking a nice joint of blueberry chilled right out its as if I am miles away from any one, bahh I feel old, only 28 lol
  9. Smoke in the bathroom
  10. [quote name='"Mofie"']

    also I smoke exclusively joints,[/quote]

    I think this is your problem, buy a cheap bong or bowl and blow your hits out the window. Or even better a vapourizer
  11. Might try a vape or a bowl, idk why it would smell so much, I guess your smoking some dankkkk shit maybe, but thats crazy. Try smoking with a sploof and a bowl that wont burn constantly or a vape.
  12. just deny, hide your stuff and tell the landlord if you get another complaint you will file a lawsuit for defamation of character
  13. get a nice bong and the smell will be reduced drastically.
  14. Some great ideas, thanks everyone. Will definitely invest in a bong to cut down on smoke, I like a bong every now and again, I'm just one of these people who likes to relax with a joint on the go in front of the tv or a game- even though I know I'm playing with fire :) May still try my fumegation/ziplocked doorway idea, just for the sake of it - I like an elaborate scheme, makes me feel like some kind of criminal mastermind rather than a sofa dwelling pothead - although explaining the set up to the landlord if he decides to investigate might take some equally elaborate lying, and I don't think it's gonna fly with him. He keeps away most of the time, so we could probably get away with it for a month or so at a time. How is Ozium? Would emptying a load of ozium around my room and hall after a smoke work at all?
  15. Blow the smoke thru a shirt
  16. Why don't you just use a sploof like the other guy said? :p
  17. sounds like it would work.
  18. Threaten their whole family with murder and rape.
  19. You need to create negative pressure in your flat by using a decent window fan snuggly fitted to the window to create a suction ( low pressure) in your apartment which will pull the air in the cracks around the door. Close all the other windows and doors except for the window you have your fan blowing out.)
    If done right you should feel a slight draw of air seeping in around the door with your hand. This way the "other peoples stinky air" comes into YOUR apartment. and not the other way around lol. Just try not to complain about their stink too much lol
  20. Or you can do what I did: Buy a vaporizer! I love it. No smell and it conserves pot.

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