So I skipped lunch to go smoke a fat blunt with the boys, and we ended up taking gravity bong hits instead. As I am enjoying my high, I walk back into the school with my boys and am surrounded by people from school coming and asking me if I was high. People I don't even know were looking at me and laughing and telling me I need Visine. So as I proceeded to ask for Visine, my teacher from my last class walks towards my table. Determined to not make eye contact, I look down at my iPod and look up after what seemed like forever, only to find the same teacher looking directly at me. At this point my Heart Rate was well over 200. As I am tripping out, my friend gives me a bottle of Visine and I get up and go to the bathroom with him to put on the Visine. When I am done putting it on, I look at my friend and he tells me that the Visine isn't working which sets my heart rate even higher. Filled with paranoia, I skip last period class and go to chill at the library off school grounds. Whilst in the library I am trippin out even more and I see my schools hall monitor looking around the doors which trips me out. At this point I say fuck it I am caught, but luckily she dipped. So I went to play basketball with my boys later on and felt some sharp ass pains with each breath I took in the left side of my chest. felt like my heart. Then my arm and neck (left) went numb with each breath as well. Was not a good day.. PS: Found out later that it was a Panic Attack.
Just to let you know, Visine doesn't work instantly, it takes a couple of minutes. It also works best if you put it in before you smoke.
Wow that sucks, hope you're okay now. When I'm high in public places i think everyone knows, but it turns out I'm just being paranoid and they're only looking in my direction
when i used to smoke in highschool id love all the funny ass reponse looks to people seein me high, and i just slept if the teacher was makin me sketch
this reminds me of when i had to do this thing called "pacer test" i was sick, and i ended up running like 80 (usually do like 95) and i had a beat of like 234 a minute, i was mad dizzy
Since you seem predisposed to anxiety and these kinds of attacks, maybe it's a good idea only to smoke when you are in a comfortable setting where there is no stress to make you flip. Personally I also suffer from anxiety, and marijuana can tend to amplify that unless I am in a calm environment.