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Haaaaa, ok... so I'm embarrassed!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Freakinfreak, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey, just signed up right now and I'm a bit stuck on some stuff, maybe you could help?

    I've never smoked before in my life, other than ciggies and booze I'm a pretty good girl :p

    A mate of mine sent me some through the post, I'm assuming this has been caught, so great... :(
    But anyway, another friend of mine can get me 1/8 for £20, is that reasonable? Like I said, n00b here, so slate me if you wish but at least give me some answers please!

    Anoooootherrr thing! Is how is it best to find a dealer? I don't wanna have to go through my mate constantly because he's a bit dodgy and there's some background stuff there... he's not a trustful kinda person and I assume his stuff can be pretty shit considering he's underage so it goes through seveal people annoyingly.

    I live near London so I don't know if that helps anything... I'm also a short-ass girl who couldn't scare anyone so what're my chances of being stolen in a car? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, heya and hope I can get some info, even though I'm totally thick with this shizz, thanks! :D

  2. Best way to score weed as a little girl?
    Grow and tell no one.
  3. i pay 25 for a 8th. so i guess thats a deal. and if you go to school its easy. ask around.
  4. The 20 euros seems reasonable price for that amount. I have to buy my 1/8th for about 30 euros in cali(ty currency converter :D). As for finding new dealers, you eventually find another one through smoking. You just need to give it some time.

  5. Mine is £25 an 8th, but it's rather good and smells fucking ace. If it's semi-decent weed, 20 quid an 8th is a bargain!

    The euro? We're pound sterling pal! Although, they're almost the same value now . .
  6. £20 for 1/8th is normal around London.

    Finding a dealer... being a nice girl I will not suggest walking around streets and asking... Best thing is to probably get word of mouth from friends. You'd probably get better quality from friends too.

    Wish you luck in finding a decent supplier
  7. Bloody hell, you lot are about 100x nicer than other forums I'm joined to.

    Thanks for the replies, so the money isn't too bad but how should it look? I'll get an 1/8 from the mate and have a look. I'm not sure what it's supposed to look/smell like and I'm not gonna know if it's shit stuff.

    Another thing, I know barely any people that smoke, that one mate and another mate, that's it, so if it's shit weed then y'know, and wandering around Camden probs isn't the best idea though I take it haha!
  8. Well I have done myself the walk of shame down Brixton a few times :smoke: and even for me it wasn't that pleasant.

    So no, I really wouldn't recommend it.

    Well, posting a picture here of it and asking will usually get you some good replies as to how it looks. Smell depends on the strain. But generally should be quite "strong" smelling
  9. Well I'd say go through some friends on advice to pickup.
    If your wondering if its legit or w.e just make sure its green-ish,
    maybe a little sticky, maybe a little stinky, maybe a little frosty.

    Uhh, I'm lit as hell, so maybe not the best advice, but good luck.
    Oh & not to talk down but because your a girl, its easier to get
    ripped off or w.e so make sure you either have a scale or have
    someone who knows about weed to tell you if the weed looks
    good or not.
  10. It just takes time being around marijuana and smoking it, etc. Just try to learn as you go, the quality isn't a huge factor starting out as you'll probably be able to get high from mid grade marijuana just as well as you would from top notch stuff. Obviously the top notch is better, but really not a big deal at first. Talking about being able to tell the quality from looking / smoking it.

    And the best way to find a dealer I have found is just through friends, I have a medical card now so I don't have a dealer per say anymore, but all my dealers before I had a card were just either friends or friends of friends. They dealt though, they weren't just friends hooking it up.
  11. Yeah I would say go try scoring on the street, but you'd be at risk of being raped/ripped off, perhaps both LOL
  12. I wouldn't try to score on the streets in London, especially if you're a tiny woman. I don't think people realise just how dangerous London actually is now, several new murders pop up every week. Sigh*

    If need be, ask a friend to go hunting for dealers with you. Avoid chavvy scum.
  13. You damn brits, trying to be different than the rest of the EU :poke:
  14. If its brick like and brown don't get that, that isn't worth 20£. It should look green and crystally. As for getting a dealer, if your friend is a good one he will give out his contact. But some people are bitches and won't give their dealers number out, so don't expect it.
  15. Well lets see. $30 an eighth (20 quid) seems like it would be straight average. Nothing special but shouldn't be shwag. (low grade weed) Post a picture of it when you pick up.

  16. Sorry how is it bitchy to not give out you're dealers number... Seems the respectful thing to do. I would be pissed as a dealer If some kid I was helping out decided to share my number and I start getting calls from random strangers asking for illegal substances.

  17. You get several years in prison for dealing cannabis in the UK, all it takes is for one wrong person to find out that you grow - one whisper to that person, and you're done.

    I'd flip if one of my customers told some stranger I grow and sell. I don't grow BTW, but if I was in that situation they would no longer be my customer.
  18. Haha, yeah I have a feeling I'd die on those streets out there! :eek:

    So, best bet is... it should kinda smell a bit, not be brown and like a brick, that's hash isn't it? Yeah, anyway, under the threat of looking like a total peen arse I shall shushm... and just post a pic when I get it.

    But anyway, the best bet is just find people who smoke and then go from there? I've just found out that another mate of mine and her brother smoke, so her brother buys it for her. Then the mate I already knew about knows another group of people too, looks like I have found my people! I think I'll still go through the friends rather than straight to the dealer, I'm too scared! :eek:
  19. shoot ship me over there man, and I'll take care of all the work for ya for a small inhalation charge of course, lol. :rolleyes:
  20. Your stuff should look something similer to this...


    Just make sure you get it weighed and its not ground up shake. Sometimes people try to rip smokers off by selling them oregano and other green spices that look like weed. It should also have a skunk like smell. Also, just so your aware an 8th should be 3.5 grams and a quarter is 7 grams.

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