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Ha This Doctor Must Be Confusing Crack With Marijuana/reefer Madness

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by, May 16, 2014.

  1. #1, May 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
    I was searching through my Yahoo account and saw this page. This doctor is way off so I left a comment on the page
    Ive done a lot of research lately and believe cannabis is safe for the heart and brain. Ha if this article is true method man, b real, snoop dogg, an willy nelson would all have pacemakers or heart attacks. Never heard of cannabis users getting pacemakers, that was sort of a dramatic thing to say without any references. Dr. David allen recommends cannabis daily to heart patients. Vaporize don't smoke. I never heard off cannabis causing heart block. Back in 2001 Dr. murray mittleman came out with a study saying cannabis increased heart attack risk 4.8%, but dr. grin spoon made a comment on the study saying the if heart attack was a significant risk we would have seen it in large mortality studies. For example cannabis has many carcinogens but doesn't cause cancer. Its more complicated then most doctors and citizens think.

  2. dudes high on the but seriously..ignorance is bliss..
  3. he knows the truth, he's just the puppet of the man.
  4. Ive seen a lot of studies in the early 2000s that talk about Decrease heart rate in long term users can cause vasoconstriction, but I've read in many studies cannabis is a vasodilator. I think the arteries are still dilated in long term users, but your hear rate is just adjusted to the flow. For example a study a few years ago said cannabis increases a protein that cause clog veins, but then theres another study showing thc prevents arteries from clogging. So obviously doctors don't understand the full effect so they assume the worst. 
    why do you keep inferring marijuana is having negative effects on users? If you haven't any references to your claims, pro or con, then why are you posting these claims in all your post/threads???

  6. Notice the almost bot like random generated username...

    I am not interested in propaganda based theories. The science already established behind cannabinoids and the endo cannabinoid system tells the big picture story.

    Instead of wasting energy on analyzing flawed theories and biased opinion people should look to the big picture. Pure whole plant cannabis on a long term basis of both smoking and oil preparations, is quite frankly the safest, most potent longevity aid we have.

    Think about this... What condition would your mind and entire body be in if you could mitigate nearly all oxidative stress/free radical damage? And the "high" mitigates mental stress which science shows can bring physical stress as direct correlation.

    Stop looking down. There is a beautiful universe above and it's trying to show us something incredible. Increased radiation, toxins in food and environment, endocrine disruption from all angles...

    The smart people who wish to enjoy the best long term health should have already began supplementing with cannabis.
  7. #7 Lebowski, May 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
    You people are all high.
    There's literally nothing wrong with that doctor's article, and it definitely isn't propaganda. 
    If you all constantly dismiss every small criticism of cannabis or questions about it's health safety, you are just as bad as the people who made Reefer Madness. 
    We need to look at the good and bad sides of cannabis use objectively. 
    All this doctor did was point out some of the known pharmacological effects of cannabis, namely increased blood clotting and increased or decreased heart rate. These are absolutely legitimate concerns and deserve our attention and research.
    The most likely negative health effects from cannabis use are effects on the heart, as I said this is a serious concern. Especially for people already prone to heart attacks and the elderly for example. 
    This isn't some la-la land of "cannabis is good for everyone and heals everything and hurts nobody" and "all pharmaceuticals and doctors are corrupt and bad and propaganda". It's not black and white, its the real world, everything is a shade of grey.
    The article made no drastic claims, it only pointed out that the effects on the heart are concerning and need to be studied:
    In fact, he mentions exactly the reaction you all are displaying- that you all believe cannabis is completely benign, when in reality there are some pharmacological effects that can be of concern, especially for already at-risk patients.
    Also note the "may". He's merely pointing out a possible negative reaction, he is not making a claim one way or the other.
    He said, not inferred, that he's seen evidence arguing for BOTH sides of the argument. You people are so blinded by your devotion to cannabis you are not being fair or objective here.
  8. #8 Lebowski, May 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  9. I agree with you all, I believe in doctors like Dr. Bob Melamede who thinks regular cannabis consumption is good for most people. I just try to understand the negative studies because theres usually more to it. For example studies have shown an increase in natural endocannabinoids in schizophrenia patients. They thought that was causing the symptoms but it was actually decreasing them. Cannabis is complicated and I'm trying to get to the truth of it. I don't think cannabis causes heart attack or stroke, for example last month a study out of france show an inverse affect between cannabis and stroke, it has powerful anti inflammatory power. Just trying to understand cannabinoids. 
  10. The statement about pacemaker I do believe to be flawed. Because we would be hearing about it more often with 8 million daily smokers
  12. #12, May 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
    Never heard of cannabis users getting pacemakers, that was sort of a dramatic thing to say without any references. Dr. David allen recommends cannabis daily to heart patients. Vaporize don't smoke. I never heard off cannabis causing heart block. Back in 2001 Dr. murray mittleman came out with a study saying cannabis increased heart attack risk 4.8%, but dr. grin spoon made a comment on the study saying the if heart attack was a significant risk we would have seen it in large mortality studies. For example cannabis has many carcinogens but doesn't cause cancer. Its more complicated then most doctors and citizens think.
  13. #13, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
    I was wondering do you know of any studies that show clotting, Ive seen a few studies showing the Oppoisite, Like The CARDIA study on Norml. The clotting could have been caused by cigarettes. Could it be from the smoke?

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