Ha ha check this out MJ plant is sooo amazing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Fredbear, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. So I planted this Jack 33 along side some other stuff (bag seed crap) I had lots germinating at the same time..

    Somehow I got my good germinated seed mixed up in the planter didnt even plant the sucker ......it didnt sprout so I dug up the soil to find no seed at all just stinking soil.

    so I went back to my work space and found that germinated seed just sitting there out in the open with a tap root dryed out almost a half inch long....it sat there for about 4 days..

    Long story sumed up I stuck it in the ground and here we are....

    Attached Files:

  2. You french? the bottle on the top left is written in french ;)

    I suppose,Canada? And good job on the plant :3

    Black dirt right?
  3. Not french Native American.....yeah Canada eh! Good things grow...in Ontario!

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