H1N1 Vaccine

Discussion in 'General' started by think, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Last night I was watching an Inside Edition showing on the potential dangers of receiving the vaccination for Swine flu. I can't find the video anywhere, but it was really sad. This 20-something cheerleader got vaccinated and soon after she had constant uncontrollable muscle spasms all over her body and her life is pretty much fucked now, besides being able to talk.

    Now I know this is an extremely rare case, but these things do not give me confidence in getting a vaccination that I don't really need. But any who, I was wondering if anyone on GC was thinking about getting vaccinated?
  2. I am a healthy young chap, I dont need another man made vaccine shoved into my system....
  3. it's shit like this that makes me refuse to get vaccinated for it. you never know what the effects of getting it will be when it just came out not too long ago. i almost feel safer just taking my chances without it.
  4. I don't get flu vaccines, save them for someone who needs them, but I've got all of the 1 time vaccinations for things like hepatius(sp?) B. Anyone who doesn't is an idiot.
  5. Likewise. I'm just worried for all the old heads and young children like my nephew. What happened to the chick on the show had me buggin the hell out.

    But the segment after that was this chick who bellyflopped into a pool off a diving board and her breast implants exploded lol.
  6. Now that's fucked up.

    I forget where I heard this but one of the main components in the new vaccine is Mercury... that shit isn't the best to put into your body.

  7. There's mercury in fish.

  8. but not in toxic amounts..and the only reason they have mercury in fish is because the water table has been dosed with mercury and other pharmecuticals..fuckers dumping their trash in our drinking water

    however,..the swine flu vaccine DOES contain a unhealthy dose of mercury to perserve the vaccine.

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