H.B. Woodrose Before school? LSA

Discussion in 'General' started by Trocious, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Well, it's the last semester of high school for me. Spring break is coming up, and I have really nothing to do in my classes, so I just draw in the commons. Would it be OK to take some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds before school? Trip out and draw?
  2. if you've done it before and know you can handle it i'd say go for it. however, since you are asking, i'm assuming that you don't. so i have to say no.
  3. its up to you though you always have to start somewhere...
  4. hahah fuck no
    unless you can wear sun glasses in school and can act mad cool
  5. Dude, anything that will make you see shit is not a good idea around people you don't know. You'll freak out a buddy of mine got kicked out of school when he was 17 becuase he was trippin on shrooms in class he said he saw barney looking at him threw the window and he hid under his table for 3 hours after class was over eventually his parents came for him. :)
  6. lsa isn't all that visual. at least it wasn't for me. my mind was just having 1000 thoughts in the same second.
  7. i say do it.
    then tell us how it went, its legal so they cant do anything about it
  8. actually lsa is illegal. the reason that you can get hbw and morning glory seeds are because they are so prevalent in nature that they can't possibly make the seeds illegal.
  9. Yeah, you're not allowed to be under the influence of ANY drug at school without a prescription. Alcohol's legal, but you can't have it at school. Cough syrup's legal... can't have that at school either.
  10. I just tried LSA (morning glory seeds) and I would DEFINITELY NOT do that in school. It would suck to freak out there.
  11. It depends how you react to hallucinogens. For me personally, tripping at school would be all bad because school wasn't a comfortable environment for me.

    I think you should just wait till your spring break and do it then.

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