Gym Workout

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Twistedd, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. So, I've been going for about 2 weeks now, and this is my 2nd day killin it on the running. I've been doing cardio on the elliptical, and today I ran 5k within 25 mins. yesterday I ran for about an hour, I'd say 45 mins ish?

    Then today, worked out with the PT and he straight up killed me. The thing about the 5k, Not only did I run it within 25 mins, so did my 58 year old dad. That shit kinda surprised me.

    Worked all upper body today, and lets just say, I'm glad I finally get those 2 days off. The weekend never felt better.

    What's everyone routine. I've been doing 3 sets, of whatever I do, but every set on the machine, I'll drop it 10 pounds, and then add 10 more lifts with it.

    So if I did 6 rep of 110, I'll drop it to 100 and do 8 reps and so on.
  2. I have been working out for 5+ years...check my pic i just posted in the "post your abs thread"

    But my routine is as follows

    Monday - chest
    Tuesday - back
    Wednesday - legs
    Thursday - shoulders
    Friday - arms
    Saturday and Sunday - Rest

    Rinse. Repeat.

    Blaze, Eat, lift, blaze, eat, blaze, sleep. Easy
  3. That's pretty much how mine is. But I try to do abs everyday. That chair shit at the gym straight kills you after about 100 or so.

    What I though about doing was stop smoking while working out (went to the gym high a couple times, kinda fucked with me mentally, not physically)

    Plus, I think while working out, it would be a good time for a T-Breaksince my mind won't always be on smoking.

  4. Work abs everyother day at most. They are like any other muscle and need proper time to recover. After all when you are in the gym lifting, you are breaking your muscle fibers down. Your resting period is when your muscles actually grow so be sure you are getting proper nutrition (1 g protein/lb of bodyweight) and enough rest to maximize your results.

  5. I know. What I meant was, I'll work different ab muscles. But what I'm trying to get into is running a 5k everyday. It's not hard, but challenging. Water is a MUST for that shit, lol. But sometimes I won't even work out on a day, I'll just run for an hour or so and then leave.
  6. For sure...I feel ya..Good to exercise the most important muscle in the body that most people neglect. The heart!

  7. That and the brain. Mot too many people these days use that one. But yeah, Cardio isn't even bad, it's pretty fun when you get into the routine. When you have an iPhone and some water, you can go forever. When I first started going, I would see all these girls on the cardio machines and I'd be like "Damn how the fuck you run so long, lol"

  8. Nice ass + lulu lemon tights + cardio ftw ftw ftw

  9. You have no idea how many bitches I've seen that just look :eek:. Spec when they are walking or running. DAMN!
  10. Listen to Aries- dude's jacked

    Personally I'm trying to get leaner right now so my lifting routine is pure strength.

    I stick to these exercises:
    Bench Press
    Weighted Dips
    Weighted Chins
    Ab Wheel

    I try to do no more than 6 reps of each. Usually I'll choose an exercise each day to focus on and do RPT of that. RPT stands for reverse pyramid training. I do 2 warmup sets of 5-6 with 60-65% of my max weight, lifting it explosively as though it were heavy. Then I do the heaviest weight I'm trying to do that day. Each session I try to add a rep or increase the heaviest weight for whatever the exercise is. I then take off 10% for a few sets after the heaviest weight. I don't go to failure at all. When doing pure strength training it is counterproductive. Then I do a couple other exercises, but with fewer sets.

    Obviously I do a lot of other stuff outside of lifting like morning runs and various conditioning workouts. I'm also working on increasing my bodyweight skills like training for one arm chins and one arm pushups. I go about 3 times a week on average. Each session lasts about 45 minutes if I'm doing it right. I try to take 2 days off after deadlifting or doing really hard HIIT.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be doing this routine, just explaining what I'm doing.

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