Seems this forum is full of xbox and playstation er's This forum is dedicated to the wii I love my wii, and it has some pretty sick games No more heros, monster hunter tri, zelda, resident evil I enjoyed Animal crossing
There's a bomberman game called bomberman blast on the wii market I downloaded that was fun. Another one was pop which was my girlfriends but I like to play when i 'm stoned
I have my Wii softmodded, I'll play a bit every now and again but its more of a party style game system. Zelda and the like are fun but the games that are truly fun are the ones designed for multiplayer. I have about 270gigs of games on the hard drive.
Multiplayer games are my calling, I love playing with other people. Plus I love the vurtual console games on the wii, that's the most kick ass part imo
New super mario bros was okay, I didn't like the multiplay on it very much.. they need to stop remaking the same game.. I love mario galaxy though, the camera angles bothered me a bit but once I got used to them that game was sickk
ive been searching for some nintendo love on here, nothing beats playing mario galaxy stoned. Also mario kart, smash bros, new super mario bros, virtual console classics, and gamecube backwards compatibility. nintendo does shit right