I was high and thinking. There is way to much plagiarism going on here at GC. people posting pics not there own... posting "advice" that they read somewhere else and not even having the common courtesy to give credit to the person or place in which they got it from. It is a shame that people want attention that bad anyone with me? See my post @ 2:40. it explains the -___-'edness of the thread
Plagiarism makes the world go round not only with literature but with life. If people started having original ideas this wouldn't be the world we have come to love or hate.
What has GC become, an academic forum? Lame Make sure you prepare a works cited sheet in proper MLA format for each of your posts, guys
i havent seen anything like that? except, in the relationships area, every second fucking thread is some 15 year old whining about his crush on a girl and wanting to be more than friends. ive read about 20... they drive me to smoke weed (;
well since this thread was a massive fail, someone posted the exact original post in this thread in another thread, and was serious about it. i was trying to be ironic by copying the original post about plagiarism. nevermind guys, sorry
Don't be sorry. Plagiarism is a serious offense I was high and thinking. There is way to much plagiarism going on here at GC. people posting pics not there own... posting "advice" that they read somewhere else and not even having the common courtesy to give credit to the person or place in which they got it from. It is a shame that people want attention that bad anyone with me?
There is way to much gangsterism going on here at GC. people posting gats not there own... posting "tats" that they got in prison and not even having the common courtesy to give credit to the esse or homie in which they got it from. It is a shame that people want street cred that bad
it was a thread about a blade pissing on his girlfriends dad's garden, the dad got pissed and attacked the blade, blade punched dad in the face. and then OP of that thread talked about why in the hell he would piss on his girlfriend's dad's garden, he said he's pissed there before and the dad didn't care, but he does that because he has strong OCD that doesn't allow him to use toilets at all, and when he has to shit he spreads his buttcheeks really far so it causes him to shit blood. ...so yeah.
Don't be sorry. Gangsterism is a serious offense I was high and thinking. There is way to much seriousism going on here at GC. people posting arguments not there own... posting "evidence" that they read somewhere else and not even having the common courtesy to give credit to the wikipedia page or unreliable source in which they got it from. It is a shame that people want to argue that bad
This is an original post by me: I was high and thinking. There is way to much plagiarism going on here at GC. people posting pics not there own... posting "advice" that they read somewhere else and not even having the common courtesy to give credit to the person or place in which they got it from. It is a shame that people want attention that bad anyone with me?