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guys reaction to girls who smoke weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by stonerchick1990, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. why do guys always act so shocked when they find out a girl smokes weed? i smoke alot and guys always act really shocked when they find out i dont get it im never surprised by any1 that tells me they smoke! And if their smokers themselves its like their intimidated or something and have to prove thay smoke more than me or can roll better joints or are smoking longer or whatever. why do they act like this its so stupid, why not just say "cool lets spark up". if a guy told them they smoked thats what they would say so why act different when its a girl?
    Any explainations??:smoke:
  2. We see girls to be more of the "innocent" one in the relationship( Dating or friendship ) . So it's a normal thing, but if the girl is a deadbeat stoner then it's a turnoff. So don't be that
  3. Idk, most guys are closed minded, I guess, I'm not myself. I couldn't be with someone who didn't enjoy the herb, or who didn't condone my smoking habit. Life is too short to listen to what other people want you to do.
  4. im not i work full time and go to night school 3 nights a week also have my own apartment, i think tjats part of the reason their so shocked that iv been smokin for so long
  5. I don't get intimidated at all.. I have huge respect for confident, independent, women that smoke. I'm attracted to and enjoy the company of a chick that can mellow out and roll a good blunt!
  6. I'm usually not suprized but actually happy and ask if they want to smoke sometime.
  7. ah i dunno then i must just be meeting assholes haha
  8. I love girls that smoke weed (unless they are fiends) because they are usually the more down-to-earth type.
  9. Nobody over the age of like 22 or 23 is shocked to find out women smoke, we're aware you're not that different than us
  10. I need more females to smoke with so I'm all for it
  11. what ya'll do after smoking?, op
  12. I dig it get a girl to roll for me while I'm busy. It's a combo deal blunts and sandwhichs
  13. smoking seems like more of a masculine activity to me
  14. I don't act surprised. But thats cause I know a lot girls that smoke. lol
  15. All of my friends smoke. Men and women. I have met dudes who are surprised I smoke and then even more surprised I can hold my own. Women aren't that different than men
  16. Im a guy and i do not react shocked when a chick smokes weed. Millions possibly billions of people smoke weed. When i meet a girl i always try to guess if she smokes weed based on her personality. When i find out a girl smokes weed, especially a hot one, i usually smoke them up all they want considering i have more then enough weed
  17. Im gonna say that next time I see this girl that told me she was blazed when she came to the restaurant, to smoke.

    I think chicks that smokes are hot =D

    Anyways its probably because Smoking weed seems to be more of a Male Social thing, so when they find out girls do "drug" smoke weed they get shocked.
  18. if shes a real smoker she should have her own anyway
  19. Girls that blaze are fantastic.
  20. If I ever met a chick who blazed and acted surprised it would be because I've only known like 3 chicks who smoke. But almost every dude I hang out with or see at a party either smokes all the time or used to smoke all the time. Idk maybe it's just where I'm from? But, I am moving to a bigger town for college tomorrow so I'm guessing that will all change.

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