My girlfriend and i were just discussing a few things and a topic about her ex came up, her ex said it was normal for a bunch of dudes to sit in a circle and whack it as fast as they can onto a cracker. The last person to cum on the cracker has to eat it. Just to prove a point, thats pretty f'ing weird right? Am i not normal for never going to a party of this sort?
Well no you're not weird for not participating. If it doesn't appeal to you. Don't do it. It grosses me out a little but it's their own juices, it's not that bad. So whatever float their boats .
wtf? no ladies? all guys? hell nah, wont be playing that any time soon lol! instead of a cracker it should be a chicks mouth and the last should have to make out wit her id be game for that
Usually that game is played with a woman in the center of the circle, but hey! Whatever floats their boat.
thats hella gay. lol. point blank period. and i thought running a train on a girl was kinda gay this tops that x100
This shit is stupid. The one who takes the longest to cum loses? Only guys would think that was a good idea.
I've never done that shit. Can't imagine all my friends deciding/agreeing to do it either.. But I've heard of it for sure lmao!
I'd like to say on behalf of myself and all the white people I know, that this is not some kind of cultural tradition. It's probably quite normal for homosexuals though. What is the prize, exactly? It's pretty wrong... I don't think I would like to eat a biscuit sodden with female ejaculate either.