guys and masturbation

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by jk1598, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. My girlfriend and i were just discussing a few things and a topic about her ex came up, her ex said it was normal for a bunch of dudes to sit in a circle and whack it as fast as they can onto a cracker. The last person to cum on the cracker has to eat it. Just to prove a point, thats pretty f'ing weird right?

    Am i not normal for never going to a party of this sort?
  2. #2 million, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2010
    Well no you're not weird for not participating. If it doesn't appeal to you. Don't do it. It grosses me out a little but it's their own juices, it's not that bad. So whatever float their boats .
  3. yes this game is called soggy waffle.

    of course the original game is used with a waffle
  4. wtf? no ladies? all guys? hell nah, wont be playing that any time soon lol! instead of a cracker it should be a chicks mouth and the last should have to make out wit her

    id be game for that
  5. How can you not do this?!
  6. Wow....

    Thats really..... gross

    That just makes the saltines even saltier
  7. all the cool kids are doing it
  8. Your supposed to do it with a biscuit. Its a game the kids like to call Limp Biscuit :cool: Ive never lost.
  9. Usually that game is played with a woman in the center of the circle, but hey! Whatever floats their boat.:cool:
  10. thats hella gay. lol. point blank period. and i thought running a train on a girl was kinda gay this tops that x100:confused:
  11. This shit is stupid. The one who takes the longest to cum loses?

    Only guys would think that was a good idea. :rolleyes:
  12. [ame=]YouTube - Soggy Biscuit[/ame]
  13. I've never done that shit. Can't imagine all my friends deciding/agreeing to do it either.. But I've heard of it for sure lmao!
  14. wtf.... That is NOT normal.... i hope.
  15. :hide::bolt::cry:
    That os what I'd do if I say that shit go down. I'm trying not to throw up thinking about it.
  16. sounds gay....
  17. Jesus fucking Christ dude, what kind of people did your ex hang with?

  18. Then.........I'm NOT cool now, NEVER gonna be cool:smoke:
  19. for real fucked up can you get?....bleh
  20. I'd like to say on behalf of myself and all the white people I know, that this is not some kind of cultural tradition. It's probably quite normal for homosexuals though. What is the prize, exactly? It's pretty wrong... I don't think I would like to eat a biscuit sodden with female ejaculate either.

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