Guys and girls, what should I do about my relationship? Please help

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by hammerxthree, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. I am a freshman in college and have recently started dating this girl that I've been talking to for a month now. Things were going great, she would stay at my place every night and we hang out quite a bit. However, I don't think i can take her party attitude. When i tell my friends about her, they say "oh you're dating one of those girls". Basically shes a huge party goer, as am i. I enjoy going out and getting ****faced as anyone in college, but she takes it too far. She acts like a single girl rather than my girlfriend. Granted, she tells people I'm her boyfriend if I'm at a party with her, but she still acts totally uncontrollable. We were playing pong with these 2 dudes(me and her were on the same team) the wind took the ball and we asked for it back. They wouldn't give it back to us so my girlfriend turns to me and asks me "can i show them my tits to get the ball back"? I stared at her and told her **** no. I talked to her about it and she told me I shouldn't be mad that she asked. She told me "I'm going to make my outfit slutty for this weekend, once again i stared at her in just WTF!. Another stupid question she asked me was "would you care if i dance with guys at parties? which leaves me to believe that she may even though she tells me she doesn't. 

    I'm really a good boyfriend, I do talk to girls but I make them understand that I have a girlfriend and I respect her. However, I feel like she has no respect for me whatsoever. She seems to talk to this guy alot, I asked her who he was and she said "just a friend from home" . I was like oh alright. A week and a half later, I saw her sending pics of her outfit to him with a <3 so I just brought it up again and then this time I said "are you sure you guys are just friends"? she then tells me that they dated for 6 months and that he was a big part of her life. Pretty sure they were **** buddies too ?? I was just so confused of why she just didn't tell me this before. I even told her I don't care that they talk. My girlfriend then tells me I get jealous too easily, which makes me even more mad because I know for a fact that any other guy would be mad too if their girlfriend acted like a party slut rather than acting like shes in a relationship. I told her if one more bull**** incident happens that I'm done, even if I like her alot. I feel like I'm wasting my time and should just give up and say there is nothing I can do.
    Any advice? Guys and Girls reply please! Am i jealous or is she totally not ready for a relationship??
  2. Dude with a girl like this you cant change her..... she will always be like this and imo she's gonna cheat on you its just a matter of're not even far into this relationship i say leave before you get your heart broke
  3. I don't believe she's ready for the relationship. Or, maybe its just not the type of relationship she wants.
  4. Send dick pics to other girls see if she gets mad lol I say forget her she just wants to get what she wants, dump her now, or go to parties with her n make out/ dance with other people, maybe try asking first see what she says n say it's basically what she's doing and if she doesn't like it tough luck lol some people r just fucked up like that, theyl do stuff like that but once it happens to them it's a whole 180, I say dump her or party with her n have ur fun with other girls/ maybe she's the open relationship kind? Or that college "free spirit" kind lol

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  5. I wonder if she has any self respect " can I show them my tits to get te ball back" lmao!

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  6. I call next game.
  7. #7 PhunkyPhoenix, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2014
    It genuinely hurt reading this post... If your girl is asking if she can show her tits to those guys simply to get a ball back or anything back for that matter; she has no class and no self-respect.

    This chick that you call your girlfriend seems to be really immature for a college student. From what you're telling us she seems to be the attention seeking party pass around. If I were you I would seek out a girl who has more class and self-respect. Nothing good really comes out of a relationship with a girl like that, especially long term.

    Discuss what is on your mind with her and if she responds negatively I would get out of there. None of her actions that you're telling us is healthy for a relationship.

    Dip in then dip out? :p
  8. Ask her if shed be mad if u danced with other girls -etc lol I say dump her OP she ain't ready for a relationship

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  9. Yeah sorry man, she's not ready for a relationship. Sending pics of her outfit with a <3 next to it… dude she's totally banging that guy. Or wants to. I don't know the dynamics of your relationship but it sounds like you two just aren't right for each other. Leave before you get seriously hurt, 'cause she isn't going to change any time soon and it won't be you who makes her. 
  10. I had a very similar relationship in High school and IMO you should just leave her. The term relationship is something that these types of girls do not take seriously and they make little excuses to justify what is actually just plain wrong. Then you call them out on it and they proceed to make you feel like a dick, even though they are in the wrong. My solution was to break up with her and start dating a hotter chick, that put her in her place.
    But really though dude I know the feeling and it's truly a shitty one.

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