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Guy smokes 7 grams of weed (7 blunts 1g each) in a row

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Skunk Dank, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. [ame][/ame]

    Very interesting!
  2. I once smoked a half in one sitting , but it was just mids :smoking:
  3. Most I have ever had in one sitting was well over an ounce :))) ofc it was with bowls and bongs though...
    Almost did a 2 gram hit without dying.
  4. I've been with a few friends and rolled up about 8g of DANK in blunts and smoked the other 6 of our half out of my friends 21" Toro straight all in one sitting, never been so high.
  5. Its still funny how high he is after haha.
  6. At that point he may as well have done dabs and gotten much higher. Although that many blunts would be awesome :)
  7. soooft i would stuffed at least 3 grams in each blunt if i wanna gunna smoke it all! and this guys doesnt even have a grinder pfffft

    This guy cant roll either
  8. I had a little less than an ounce in one sesh. Too fucked, but would do it again.
    That was 4/20 this year, hotboxed the fuck out of my friends garage.
  9. lol i smoked a half of purple erkle in one sesh with blunts and bowls, i smoked like 13 blunts that day and probably 1-2 bowls.

    ps: sorry if i posted this twice the Gc app on my iphone is acting dumb so i posted this off my laptop.
  10. What a waste.
  11. Is it just me, or does it look like half of the time he's not even really inhaling?
  12. Waste. He probably wasn't getting any higher after the first blunt or two.

  13. yeah i thought that too. It looks like hes just mouthing the smoke and then blowing it out really quickly.

    But i'm sure he was plenty high
  14. I'm sure it was fun ,, me personally I like to smoke small amounts and spread out my sessions to keep my tolerance down and so the weed lasts longer i would hate to smoke a blunt of good and say i wasnt feelin much :/

  15. the vid is sped up though. that's why it looks like he isn't inhaling.

  16. Yeah i noticed that, but its still cool. Hes wealthy enough to afford all that and puff it without even caring.

    Lucky :$

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