Guy puts marijuana on blackjack table! FUNNY S**T!

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by MakeArtCrimes, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. I hope this isn't repost. I just couldn't believe it when i saw it!
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Guy puts marijuana on blackjack table! FUNNY S**T![/ame]
  3. I have one sentence:

    "What a fuckin' idiot!"

    This dude makes us all look bad. :(
  4. It makes you think WHAT WAS HE THINKING?
  5. hahahahhahahahh that hilarious!
  6. haha wtf
  7. How does he make us all look bad? He clearly didn't do it because he was 'high' more so an idiot
  8. What a fucking idiot...
  9. Im not going to call him an idiot but dammm.. That was funny
  10. Wow lmfao, what did he think they were going to do when he did that?? Wow what a fuckin trip
  11. Damn, thats the kinda guy I wanna make a bet with.
  12. Haha ain't that the truth :wave:
  13. lol at 5 card bud joke at end.
  14. I don't see anything wrong with this. I'd gladly beat someone at cards for their delicious weed.
  15. .....

    This gives people who smoke the herb a bad name. I can just hear people saying how Stupid/Stoned this guy was and thats why he did it.

    Or maybe he was making a statement, after all good herb is almost just as much as gold ounce for ounce.

    impressed that he had a ounce on him and no one smelled anything, lol
  16. The police couldn't figure out why?

    Uhh cause he was sampling his stash dur... :smoke:
  17. you will have a crowd that will say he's an idiot and "thats what people who are high due".
    i just say he doesnt deserve the medical card. he got it off the "internet" right? how the fuck you do that anyway!?

    umm excuse me sir can i have my card back............ YOU FUCKING IDIOT! lol

  18. what a dumbfuckingass
  19. Evidently it was like a Drivers license bout over the Internet.. Fake..

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