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Gummies with THC and CBD

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Trippybear, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. Hi. I tried to post this earlier, but for some reason the thread didn't create, so here goes take 2. I get edibles from my local vape shop. I have to take Delta 8 or one of the other legal forms of THC because the real thing is very illegal here and I'm in college so I don't need to be getting in trouble. I found out that the gummies I've been getting don't have CBD, but they carry some with both CBD and THC. If I tried those next time, do you guys think they would help with my tics better than just pure THC?
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  2. Probably. CBD seems to take the edge off of THC,
    so there's less anxiety.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Have you ever taken CBD? I'd guess that if your tics are psychological in origin CBD may not help but if they're caused by a neurological disorder then it may. Regardless of the problem, it's worth a try, even if they are psychological. Did you see a neurologist or did you see a psychiatrist for your tics? Are they related to your PTSD or did you have them before?
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  4. i had tourette when doing high daily use of THC.

    if you get drug tested,you want Isolate CBD.
    that has no THC.
    the small amount of THC in hemp CBD is if your using it for pain.
  5. Wont hurt to try.
  6. Cactus Ed, I have seen both a psychologist and a neurologist. I've ticced all my life, but it was mild until 2 and a half years ago. I take CBD daily and it has helped a lot. It doesn't make it go away completely.
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  7. It sounds like you've already had both CBD and THC in your system at the same time and you've also had only THC and only CBD so I'm not sure what you're asking. You already know how each, separately and together, affects your tics.

    If I was in your situation I think I'd go about this a little more scientifically and experiment with different doses. Make a plan and write it down. For example, your tics may be worse some days than others so assign a 1-5 number for how severe or mild your tics are that day and write it down. Then take only THC or only CBD for a day and write down your dosage and how it affected your tics. Experiment with different doses of each then combine them in different dosages. You'll figure it out. If it helps, great. If it doesn't help, at least you'll know.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I think it's cool that you're exploring options to manage your tics. Adding some CBD to the mix might actually be a good move. CBD can help balance out the effects of THC, making it a bit smoother and less intense.
  9. Yeah i dont like straight thc. To heady. Needs balance.
  10. A little THC with CBD helps your body utilize the CBD better.
  11. I do notice an improvement since I been adding CBD to my daily THC intake. It accentuates the benefits and gives the euphoria a little kick too.

    Keep up the great work!!!
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  12. #12 govermint, Mar 26, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
    It's worth a try. I was kinda in the same situation as you. For some time now, I have been dealing with insomnia, and my therapist prescribed me cannabis. But for now, I moved to Europe, and here, cannabis is illegal, so I had to find an alternative. So I started to buy kratom. It's a pretty similar plant with identical effects. So don't hesitate to try a new substance, but remember to speak with a therapist/ doctor before consuming anything. It's better to ensure your body has no incompatibilities with the substance you want to use to avoid further problems.

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