I was just wondering if anyone had any experience or knowledge regarding the use of Gum wrappers as rolling papers. Is it safe? Does it burn too fast? I was planning on using Wrigley's gum wrappers.
well...many moons ago me and some buddies used...for some reason we thought scraping the foil off would make it less dangerous...but then again the gum papers back then are slightly different than the ones now...
Yum, heavy paper with ink printed on it, sounds perfect. The only paper that is a good idea to roll with is rolling paper.
when i was under 18 i remember some of my friends recommending me to do scrape off the foil from a gum wrapper nd use it to roll it. I nvr tried it but i definitely used receipt paper a few times. I dont even know how i smoked those cause they were very harsh lol
to be honest i dont think its all to healthy but hey if you want to risk it risk it that's all you lol
Heard of people using shopping receipts before. Don't imagine that being healthy but, invest the few cents and buy some papers.
Sounds nasty, and unsafe. And probably pretty fast burning. I'd use a Coke can as a bowl before using a gum wrapper to roll a joint. Wouldn't recommend either, especially if they're over eighteen.
Get a Holy Bible (King James version [has to be King James]) and cut a square out and use that. After you wet it a bit. Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
It'll work, but make sure to get all of the foil off of the papers. If you inhale those fumes you could potentially develop Alzheimer's when you grow older. I have used gum wrappers as papers before though, and it worked as well as low quality papers do.
I know this is old, but please don't. Hell, when I was 17, I just pulled out an old pack of papers my friend gave me and asked for them at a convenience store, and I never had to show my ID. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
A pack of gum cost the same as a pack of papers, might want to invest in a pack it would pry be worth it! -G@®®ETT
I've heard of a friends using Bible paper as rollies, I wouldn't use a gum wrapper though I'm sure it's got lots of additives.
Gum wrappers are wax paper they burn really harsh and a bad idea (experience here ) use rice paper it's non toxic and cheap to buy at te store Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If you're gonna roll with it, then remove the outer layer of the paper. You can use a lighter and then peel it off.