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Guide to Depersonalization/Derealization v2

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by imadamnlegend, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Depersonalization is a dissociative feeling of watching oneself act, while having no control over a situation, almost as though watching yourself in a movie, and is often triggered by weed; especially to those with low tolerance. However, i feel it is important to note that cannabis does not cause depersonalization. It is merely the trigger of it; the causes include stress and anxiety.

    If you're experiencing it you can feel divorced from your own personal physicality by sensing your body sensations, feelings, emotions and behaviors as not belonging to you, and other weird shit like that. For example something i felt was the feeling of putting my hand through a table when i moved my hand towards it without looking; its just so hard to explain.

    As i said before it can be a somewhat uncomfortable feeling and you might feel depressed or like your going crazy (like a lot of threads lately). Sufferers feel they have changed, and the world has become less real, vague, dreamlike, or lacking in significance. It can be a disturbing experience, since many feel that, indeed, they are living in a "dream". However it can also be a very good way to look inside yourself and actually find out who you are. You can reflect on life and the wolrd far easier due to this detachment from your ego, because you take a far more neutral perspective. It can manifest itself as partial or full ego loss, though the latter is much rarer.

    Derealization is another dissociative symptom and can be caused by stress or underlying psychological/neurological disorders, hence why cannabis can bring it out in people. It is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems strange or unreal. Other symptoms include feeling as though one's environment is lacking in spontaneity, emotional colouring and depth. Essentially, your perception of the outside world is fucked up.

    The detachment of realization can be described as an immaterial substance that separates a person from the outside world, such as a sensory fog, a pane of glass, or a veil. Individuals may complain that what they see lacks vividness and emotional colouring. Emotional response to visual recognition of loved ones may be significantly reduced. Feelings of deja vu are common. Familiar places may look alien, bizarre, and surreal.

    Derealization is a subjective experience of unreality of the outside world, while depersonalization is unreality in one's sense of self.

    Just keep in mind that you will get better, normally after a few days or a week. Make sure you drink and eat plenty. Don't look at the experience negatively, try to look deeper into yourself and refelect. You can change yourself and your life during these difficult periods.

    Important: These are illnesses, as opposed to a "happy fun time lucky tripping balls!" time. (Thanks kG_Blazed)


  2. Im always in a state of depersonalization and derealization to some degree even if i havent smoked in weeks. I like the feeling of being separate from reality. It helps me think more clearly and control my emotions.
  3. I guess from what you described I'm more of a fan of Derealization, but both are good experience IMO. I completely agree it makes you think outside the box, both about who you are, and about life in general.
  4. Still waiting on the guide that will show me how to get there...peer pressure, peer pressure, peer pressure.
  5. im so depersonalized

    im just a lost soul within my own mind
    trying to figure out what it is..
    that i lost?
    my life is one huge downfall upon itself.
    in my mind at least.

    idk where im consciously caught up.

    iguess thats what will make me stronger though.
    overcoming my own obstacles
  6. #6 imadamnlegend, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2011
    Only way i can think of is taking various other psychedelics man...which we cannot discuss :mad:

    -I'm pretty sure a high enough dose of a dissociative would give you some depersonalization if you smoked lots of weed at the same time.

    And when i say depersonalaiztion i mean a long term state, ie more than a couple of days. Some people seem to get confused and think its a short term thing during a high.

    ie a K-Hole wouldn't be described as depersonalization.

  7. T-break for a week, and then smoke an ounce of dank to yourself.
  8. #8 Free The BIRDS, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2011
    i feel dissociated.
    like its sooooooooooo hard to put into words.

    i DEFNIATLY dont feel the 'watching myself' feautre. at all...........

    its more like a burnt out / hazy feeling. (<---- that i seriously the best explanation i can think of)
    just like a unclear, hazy feeling where i dont feel able to express and feel my full thoughts

    it does have positives like pushing through workouts / eating healthy food.

    man im taking a tbreak and today is just the first day.

    i hope my brain feels normal, i dont even know whats up. like i said i dont even know if its this depersonalization shit cause i dont feel like third person.
    i feel like its me herere talking but my brain is 'contracted'

    ya fuck this feeling and for me abusing weed to make it happen

    i read the derealization part.. felt like that was me. but DEFINATlY not me. because i still feel 100% emotionally there.

    its just this hazzy unclear feeling man and i want it gone. i sure hope to fucking god it goes away and i can experience normal. will i ever know what normal is. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
  9. Dude it will. In the very near future you'll be high off life.
  10. [​IMG]

    being separate from reality is the exact opposite of thinking clearly..
  11. #11 Thorkgonsam, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2011
    I had depersonalization for a while when my dad pasted, I figured that is what weed was like because it was when i first started. Now I realize its awwwwwwwwwwwwright,

    I am high, and currently thanking the edit button. See when I said "awwwwwwwwright" what I meant to say is that Marijuana's effects are more ceberal and overall happy, rather than it being a out of body "trip" if you will.

  12. Not neccesarily. For me its kind of like wiping away the crap you get from normal life. I can see past my emotional stance on things and understand them better.
  13. Omg, I'm so deliciously evil... this thread had 5 stars and I rated it 1. It is now three stars. Changing the world one step at a time.
  14. Only had it happen once. It was fucking awsome.

    I made a whole thread on how crazy it was.
  15. maybe we're not seeing eye to eye on what derealization is..

    it's a symptom of conditions such as psychiatric and neurological illnesses. it's perceiving the outside world as strange, unusual, unreal, etc.

    it's not disregarding reality and seeing past your's the way you perceive reality,'s just not "reality" anymore, it's unreal(ya know, derealilzation)

    but, good for ya if what you're experiencing helps you through your shit, it's just not derealization what you're experiencing..
  16. I know what it is, i can just think more clearly there than here. idk why, maybe im just weird like that. But its kind of like being in a dream. Like being high but only having the dreaming feeling and nothing else. I have other disorders that may contribute to this though. Its just that my mind is so occupied by is constantly playing in my head, im always playing through random scenarios and tossing around pointless thoughts and i cant focus. But when im in that disconnected state, my mind goes blank. I hardly notice time. Everything looks and sounds foreign, and i guess i can just focus better.
  17. I went through this in late December and it was so scary haha, looking back now I just was smoking too much.
  18. i look at depersonalization as a double edged sword. its kinda brought some of my depression back, but it has helped me think more outside the box to were i can see more of whats making me depressed, therefore allowing me to fix it easyer.

    also its really helped me put a more balanced perspective on the world.
  19. alright man... that totally contradicts itself more than i thought was possible..but if you feel like it makes sense to you, good on ya
  20. I can focus better when my mind is blank. I dont see how thats contradicting.

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