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Guide to counting weed $

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by StateofReverie, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. I feel like there should be a guide to weed prices that factor in dankiness/hookup so that people can understand their own prices.

    No hook up, standard dank prices (entry level)
    1g = 20$
    3.5g = 60$
    7.0g = 110$
    14.0g = 200$
    28.0g = 350$

    No hook up, standard dank prices (entry level hook up)
    1g = 15$-20$
    3.5g = 50$-60$
    7.0g = 90$-110$
    14.0g = 175$-200$
    28.0g = 300$-350$

    Hook up
    1g = 10$-15$
    3.5g = 35$-45$
    7.0g = 60$-85$
    14.0g = 110$-160$
    28.0g = 150$-250$

    If you follow this price range and have a scale, you will never be "ripped off" again.

    For example,
    \t\t\t\t\tOriginally Posted by 2hi2di [​IMG]
    I recently got some real-deal White Widow and Power Skunk; 60g for $750.

    Both are hi-grade fire but the Power Skunk is better.

    28.0g = 350$
    28.0g = 350$
    4.0g = 50$

    or you can look at it as

    28.0g = 340$
    28.0g = 340$
    4.0g = 70$

    as you can see, not really a hook up
  2. But everyone has different prices because of location
  3. There are probably dozens of threads like this already
  4. use google to convert to euros...or from X Currency to USD

    why are none of em stickied?
  5. yeah this..

    every state is different.
  6. yea it all literally differs on area.

    60 for 3.5 in my area is normal. there is no gettin hooked up, or 'the hook up'

    you get that further north you go, or further west. its fucking stupid imo
  7. lol fuck. I just underestood what that meant. :( too high to come up with a solution right now
  8. 20 a g is a bit pricey, even for dank. It should be around 10-15 a g. I think you can always find better prices, you just have to search for it
  9. what about different states? IL has very different prices from CA

    It could work though, IL would be the first two though (non-hookup as you labeled), and CA or other med states would be the hookup list

    I think you need different labels, and this would only work in the U.S. but probably would get rid of quite a few is this a good deal thread

    another thing is quality, those are mainly dank prices, prices on mids vary alot more

    not a bad idea though
  10. if some one tryed to sell me a gram for 20 i would be pissed that is a total rip off in my state
  11. ya it is just my analysis from hundreds of different replies around gc for prices around the USA. And I only looked at the danks, I try to stay away from mids
  12. depends on where you live
  13. Good question. A lot of them get deleted tho
  14. You are all getting ripped off if you pay any of those prices
  15. im being ripped off by paying period bro.
  16. surprised the government isn't ripping you off this time? :O

  17. Factors such as:

    Imagine the price of a kilo varying from thailand, mexico, spain, england, south africa to canada or the u.s it varies loads.

    Who you are buying from:
    If your buying from a grower or a dealer it shall vary or maybe your buying it from a shop such as a dispensary or a coffee shop - Massive differences.

    One mans dank is another mans dirt.

    Sticking such a topic would be pointless as their are two many variables to take into account as well as how current affairs effect matters such as the weather, price of electricity, risk of law enforcement and politics.
  18. Here is how you answer every thread titled did I get ripped off. If you payed for it you got ripped off.

  19. Not to mention country...

    Blades from all over the world on here...

    For instance...most people who live in cities in Canada can get your best listed "hookup" prices from "hookup" required...with a good hookup, it can be pretty cheap...relatively speaking...

    Impossible to boil prices around the world down to a simple would be endless if it was anywhere near complete...
  20. ...

    You realize it varies from state to state by up to like $10-$15/g right?

    No hook up where I live a gram is $10, no matter what, the price only varies once you get into higher quantities (i.e. absolute fire would be $110-$120 for a half whereas average dank would be $90-$100, but both would be $10/g at lower quantities). The hook up prices you have listed are like average prices in some areas.

    But drive out of Canada and down to NYC and from what I hear you're looking at $15/g minimum usually $20 for bombs. But then drive to yet another state and you're back to $10/g.

    There is no guide you can feasibly make, prices vary too much.

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