Hello fellow blades earlier this year I was searching around for threads detailing how to regen/reveg a plant after harvest. I didn't find any good guides on GC so I figured I'd put one here. Sometimes for whatever reason we don't take clones. Taking clones is obviously the superior choice to revegging a plant since it takes much less time to clone than to reveg. First we start out by harvesting the plant. Harvest all of the main bud sites but be sure to leave a few of the lower 'popcorn' buds and a fair amount of the lower leaves. Like so: After the harvest you want to replant the mother. By now since she has gone through a whole flowering cycle she is likely root bound. Un-pot the plant and cut two thirds of the root ball off to promote new growth. As pictured below. Before Trimming Root ball After Trimming Root Ball: Once you have trimmed the root ball it's time to replant. I used the same container on this regen but it would also be a good idea to use a bigger pot if you plan on keeping this mother around quite a while. Put your newly potted mother back under 24/0 or whatever vegetative light cycle you prefer. After replanting it immediately feed it a solution of water and a full dose of whatever nute you use for Nitrogen. . In the flowering cycle this mother has utilized all of it's nitrogen intake and will desperately need more to power back into a veg state. Continue this Nitrogen nute feeding for 3 feeding cycles then go back to whatever nutrient mix you use for vegetative growth. Here we are 11 days later, you can see the regenerated growth starting (this is the point I quit using only Nitrogen and started back to my regular vegitative nutrient schedule): Now after 17 days: Now after 25 days: And Finally after 34 days she is fully ready to donate a bunch of clones!! I hope this guide is able to help someone here on the city. Regen after harvest is a doable option when wanting to keep a particular strain going, however, unless you have the time to wait like I did just take clones. If anyone has any questions post them up I'll do my best to answer whatever I can regarding this process.
how would that work on a plant that is 6 foot tall, and not 1? same results? how big would it actually get when reflowered?
Hey Dudeodan, Should be the same results. Do to my situation I cannot grow monster 6 foot tall plants. Following the same steps as above should allow you to regenerate it regardless of original size. Simply harvest all the main buds which will reduce your size to maybe 2 or 3 feet and leave all the small popcorn and leaves from the lower budsites. When the plant starts to regenerate the new shoots will grow from the small budsites.
Thanks, I have a super lemon haze thats 3-4 weeks out, and I cannot for the life of me find another clone in this area...so i might try this.
Yep, absolutely. You may have better luck picking a good clone after revegging the orginal and instead letting that develop into a nice healthy mom. Up to you. I'm using my regen plant as my mother plant and just going to take 5 -10 clones at a time, veg them for a month and then flower. Each month when those go into flower I'll pick 5 - 10 more clones and start over.
heres a weird question.... if i harvest this plant live on blog tv would you view, and teach me LMAO!
Haha.. Yes that is a weird request but as long as I was available to I suppose I would. It's really just as easy as the tutorial I posted. Just make sure to leave some small popcorn buds, trim the rootball, repot it and feed it nothing but water and nitrogen for a couple watering cycles.
hello friend i hope you can help me. i am basicly trying to do the same thing but i didnt get to harvest first. i got a plant from a friend that could no longer keep it. he had her outside in the extreame heat ( where i live it gets in the triple digits) and feedig her only water hose water. she was very pot rot but still alive. i trans planted her put her in my bathroom and she was good for about 2 weeks. then the mid of last week i noticed my runoff water stinky then she started going down fast. i think she got overwaterd because not very much run off was coming out. i talked to a friend and he suggested i transplant 1 more time but mix plenty of perlite. so i did this last nite. i found a soil at my local garden center that has plenty of bat guano, worm caseings, and poultry manure. i mixed the perlite and transplanted her. whem i pulled her out of the old dirt her roots were still tightly balled together.she seemed to wilt really fast right after transplanting. i removed all the old soil from the roots before transplanting to the new soil. should i clip the willting brown leaves off? i am using a water with a ph of about 5.5 with superthrive added. thats all i have for now i havent had i chance to get myself some nutes. i guess what i looking for is any kind of help you feel comfortable helping with would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!! thanks in advance, a fellow friendly grower
Hello Kermit. Sounds like you are on the right track with the better soil and adding perlite. Yes, please do clip off browning or dead leaves. Don't worry about nutes just yet. Wait a few weeks and get her back to being healthy before going out and spending money on nutes. Sounds like you'll have good sources of Nitrogen from your soil with the guano in it.
thanks i will clip them all off. now if i do that it will be just bare stock and bare branches. but she is still nice and green when i scratch the stalk at the bottom near the soil. i really hope she pulls through. thanks for your help i will try to send pics but i am really not very good on this computer.
well hello friend just wanted to give a little update. i went to my local indoor hydro and garden store. well unfortinatly they were closed for a convention in vegas. the guy was real cool he opened the door and let me in even though they were closed. i was very happy with the service he provided. he couldnt sell me anything but he gave me some stuff called REVIVE. this shit is incredibal!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mixed up a feeding like he said and gave her half of the gallon i mixed up.( i didnt want to risk overwatering again). amazingly i wake up this morning and to my surprise there is acually small leaves starting to turn green again. i did clip off all the dead leavs like you suggested but left small ones that were too small to clip. these are the ones that are green again. i will most definetly be picking up some more of this when i get the rest of my plants going. also i recomend this to all GARDENERS out there, if you keep it on hand it will littarly save your garden. thanks for reading and happy growing!!!!!!!
Nice. I haven't used the 'revive' product specifically but I'm willing to bet if you look at the label you will find that it has high dose of Nitrogen like I suggested.
he didnt give me the bottle he just pulled a little container out with a lid and filled her up he didnt even charge me. i am a customer for life now.
Made another post. You're good. LOLOL I love my growshop too. The dudes down there are AWESOME. They gave me a new HPS light for one that I clearly broke on my own.