Guerilla Grow Questions

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by 420 bruhh, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. If I bought thirty seeds, went to a secure and secluded area, cultivated the ground, planted the seeds, and let them do their thing, would I get anything decent as results?
  2. It depends. Are they going to get enough water? If its a dry season in your area then most likely you won't see anything. Will weeds in the area overgrow yours and choke them out? Who knows.

    Every year I collect seeds over the winter and toss them everywhere from April until July and usually never find a single one that made it. It could just be my luck though.

  3. You would have a much higher success rate if you germinated the seeds first then let them establish in your backyard or window that receives plenty of light. Then transplant them to the plot.

    That being said, dont expect much, if you receive enough rain throughout the year they will survive but insects, deer, mother nature can pose a threat.

    If you cant visit them once a week, give them a decent feed, spray neem for an insecticide, and put chicken wire around them, and never show anybody. You will achieve great results.
  4. you'd better be sowing feminized beans or you'll come back to a field of seeds. not necessarily a bad thing though if you're after flowers you'll be sorry... :smoke:

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