Guardian angels

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by blueend, May 8, 2008.

  1. What are angels?
    Angels represent God in a more worldly form. God cannot be seen as a person or as a being. He is more a part of everything, interweaving through us all and every tree and planet. We cannot sit and have a direct conversation with God as we would with our parents. Talking to God is bigger than this.

    We often talk to God or say a little prayer, sending our intentions and hopes out into the ether and these prayers may come back answered in various ways. Angels though bring the vastness of God, and put it in a package we as human beings can relate to much better. Angels embody some of the greatest qualities of God: compassion, love, understanding, non-judgment, contentment and peace.
    Angels bring these beautiful qualities down to earth. They are like messengers of God sent to bring us special things. Angels have the ability to be the 'inbetween' beings, able to communicate with both humans and the very subtle energies of creation.
    Angels and religion
    There are tales of angels in the Bible. Yet sometimes we are left with a sense that some religions see angels as beings of the past that are no longer around, or they take the existence of angels in stories to be metaphors, used merely to illustrate a point. This historical view of angels can lead some people away from the more traditional religions because they want a spiritual faith that is alive and in the present, one that says angels still exist today. If God still exists why can't angels exist?

    Many Christian religions actually give the angels ranks such as Seraphim and Cherubim. In the New Testament St. Paul added another seven orders. They are, in order of importance, after the previous two: Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels (Regular). For most of us giving the angels different roles is of little importance, as we cannot verify this information. What really matters to most of us is that angels exist. Because if they do, for many of us, it means that God exists, which is what most of us would like to know for sure.
    Angels are also common to many other religions such as Judaism, Islam and Native American beliefs. Also, many people who do not have a specific religion believe in angels. They may prefer not to get involved in what they may see as the dogma of certain belief systems. Angels do not have this dogma as there is no judgement or expectation. Angels just love us for who we are and just want the best for us.
    [​IMG]What do they look like?
    The most common aspect seems to be the colour white and a spiritual glow. Sometimes they are reported to be a column of light, sometimes their face cannot be made out, and others are reported to appear just as you and I, solid, visiting to achieve a certain task. Maybe one of the most amazing and transforming appearances is in mystical visions, such as when Mary saw an angel who told her about the birth of the baby Jesus. Many spiritual leaders have had visions such as these. The most common aspect would be the extreme all encompassing beauty and joy that the seer feels.

    In the stories that are told sometimes they appear as we have seen in pictures, bathed in light and with wings, but often it seems this is not typical. This portrayal has been greatly re-inforced by artists of the past who have often been told by the church to paint angels in that way. Sometimes an angel might appear just as you or I, or be just an invisible being, or a white light. What a person sees may possibly be dependant upon what we need to see as a human being. If we need to see a full blown angel with wings and everything then that is what we will get.
    So do they exist?
    Believing in angels can be a bit like believing in UFOs in that unless you have actually seen one how can you be sure they exist? So the answer to this question will be different for everyone. Everyone will have there own definition of what an angel is. For example are all spirits who help us angels?

    The question could also read "Do you believe in spirits?" or "Do you believe in the afterlife?" or "Do you believe in God?" Each individual may have their own proof or answer, but because the answers are gained more from spiritual and emotional experience rather than mental processes it is hard to pass this knowledge or insight onto others.
    How do angels help us?
    Some say we each have our own angel with us all the time - an angel that watches over us. Also that other angels come in and out of our lives as we need them. You may take on a very mentally challenging job for which another angel may be around to give guidance. Then you may do a more emotionally challenging job where another angel may come to the fore.

    Often angels are observed in times of great crisis. For example to give reassurance to someone in great distress, or to intervene in a dramatic event or to miraculously save someone's life. In An Angel in your pocket by Rosemary Ellen Guiley she retells stories of people who have met angels. One man felt a physical force pull him away from a 440 volt live wire, another lady, when suffering from life threatening diptheria was taken by an angel to other realms and when she awoke the doctor thought it a miracle that she was better as he thought she would surely die in the night.
    One of the most frequent events is where a person appears suddenly to help someone in great distress and then after the visitor has accomplished their task, they seem to disappear. The person turns round and they are gone mysteriously and suddenly. There is often some fact that makes the person believe that the help was not of this world. For example, the mystery person calls them by their name when no name was mentioned, or they demonstrate a "super human" ability such as extreme strength. It is often described that the person was very beautiful regardless of their physical appearance.
    What one person may call an angel another may call a spirit guide or animal spirit. Sometimes in our lives we feel a sense that there is a spirit near us, that there is someone else in the room or may after an event think we have been guided one way or another. It is hard to define these subtle energies. For most of us we are dealing with the world of "feels like" and "I had a sense of" so for a lot of people they say an angel has touched there lives, and what they really mean is that some positive beautiful force has come to play.
    Their involvement may be quite subtle. Your brain is telling you to turn left because that is the quickest way home, yet you have a strong gut reaction to turn right. So you do and you bump into a long lost friend or afterwards find out you have avoided a bad flood. Is that an angel?
    For most of us angels are a matter of faith. Do we believe in them? We may have experiences in our lives that lead us strongly or even with certainty to believe in their existence and as we develop spiritually and personally over time we may become more sensitive to their subtle energies.
    Angels represent all that is good. Whether we believe in them or not we can believe in what they represent. Many would aspire to have their good qualities and may look at them as role models.
    Can believing in angels harm me in any way?
    It is possible to turn every decision over to what you perceive to be your angels. But from another viewpoint you could say you are turning decisions over to a higher part of yourself.

    Angels are a subject that could be very much connected with our intuition. Where does our intuition stop and the intervention of angels start? Are angels simply our higher self or are they separate beings or is the answer somewhere between the two. One thing is mostly true, generally most people are instantly attracted to angels and what they represent. They represent our potential.
    So the danger, as with many spiritual beliefs, is to not play down our own involvement in our lives. If every time something goes right in your lives you say it was your angel, maybe you are not giving yourself enough credit.
    However asking a higher part of yourself, whether that higher part be a higher part of you, be it God or an angel, can be a healthy thing to make sure we are always treading a good Brett Almond

    i was talking recently with some friends about guardian i searched to find a small article about them (in case someone isnt familiar ,which i doubt ,but in in any case..)

    do you believe they exist?if yes has someone ever succeded to communicate with one ?there are rituals in magick for example to succeed a communication with your guarian angel(which s considered highly dangerous and recomented only to high levels warlocks).
    do you think angels exist in the way church says or its just our higher self?
    do you think they dont exist at all?

  2. Even if you have "seen" one how can you be sure they exist? People do hallucinate, after all. Of course, if they claim to see a pink elephant people call them crazy, if they claim to see an Angel, people just believe them.

    To answer the question asked. No, I do not believe in Angels. :)

  3. I'm just going to try to stress that if angels are God visually, so are any concepts you can sense (six senses, including your mind).
  4. just to be a stickler, there are 5 senses for humans, the sixth sense in animals is a sense of direction in regards to magnetic north. ive never seen an angel, and i can't say i really believe in them, i do however believe in God. my mother believes in Guardian angels and i can understand why, there have been many moments in her life as well as my sisters that they couldve died in an accident of some sort yet didnt. according to my mother she was drowning at the beach when a very young boy calmed her down and directed her to safety, yet when she turned to look for him he was gone. there have been a lot of other stories like that i have heard, and i never try to take anything as 100% truth. as a logical thinker i have to look at everything objectively and at all sides of any story or argument

  5. Magnetic north is a concept since we're talking about it. :) It involves the mind on some level. Subconscious, yeah...

  6. i see what you mean.i know people who believe in guardian angels in that way to.
    i ve never seen one but for some reason i belive they exist. mostly in the way that it is another side of my self which i dont control.not the subconcious.sth else..

  7. Unconscious/subconscious, it's all the same. You could just call it "life". :) Or maybe "energy".
  8. well technically, magnetic north does exist, its not the north pole though. the ability of animals to sense it (this is how homing pigeons find their way around) comes from magnetic particles in the brain that align and point towards magnetic north, crazy eh. supposedly humans no longer have these magnetic particles, but many many animals do.

    but about being able to observe a guardian angel, yes that does involve senses and yes senses can be skewed. like a piece of cold metal feels really hot initially, yet its actually cold. or seeing the wheel caps on a car spinning backwards occasionally when we know when the car is moving forward the wheels never go backwards. but wat does this mean, well it means believe in whatever you choose, and just because u saw something it doesnt make it real (blind people never see their world around them, but how do you argue that what they can sense otherwise is not real)... scientifically speaking we will never be able to prove angels or God, the only thing humans can do is choose to believe their existence or not

  9. nah.. i dont think its either the unconcious or subconcious (well its the same thing)
    something that has nothing to do with my life experiences or desires. energy aint the same with subconcious.

  10. well ive never seen God, but i believe God exists, and according to christianity, judaism, and islam angels do exist. angels could be messengers of God, or protectors of our fates (making sure we don't die before we are meant to) or other things. i guess in some sense i do believe in angels, just not explicitly... wat i mean is that i believe in God, the fact that I believe God exists means that his presence had to be made known to me in some way, be it through a priest, some one on the street, or in my dreams. having belief in something uve never seen or experienced is a difficult task, but that is wat religion requires you to do, and it is much easier to doubt the existence of something u cannot see than to believe in it.

  11. Maybe not, but try to imagine that because that's how you could understand a little of how I feel. :)
  12. not picking on you- too many people only use their logic, logic is only half of the tool we have (our brains) the other half is our ability to think outside the box. using both halves is called reasoning. when you only use one half of your brain, sure youll find some pretty good looking answers on paper. but not everything has to be proven in a court of law. the fact that someone can get away with murder because of a court technicality proves that logic isnt the only tool we should be using.

    yes i believe that angels exist, do i believe IN them? no, i believe in God.
  13. explicate please.. you say you think subconcious is the same with energy. do u mean that everything is energy or something else?
  14. i see what your saying, but just to shed some light on my thinking a bit more, i don't take anything to be absolutely literal. the fact that i believe in God's existence proves i don't only subscribe to rules of logic. one can never limit their thinking or reasoning or believe that they ever have the absolute truth cornered, we are only humans after all :rolleyes:
  15. ya, kinda lost me there

  16. yeah i understood what you were saying, i was just pointing out the logic of the masses to where education has become the most important thing, and everything else takes the back seat.

  17. What powers your thoughts? Food? And if food, what powers the thought to get food? :)
  18. great quote on that
    "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
  19. Mai belleyyyyyyyyy :hello:, which in turn is controlled by the munchies, which is controlled by weeddddddddd, which is a creation of God. so God controls my thoughts eh ;)

  20. God, or your subjective perception of God? :)

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